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Everything posted by 1qwk767

  1. we last power at around 5pm, and got it back around 8:30 last night oh well I wasnt home though, over at my cousins apartment swimmin in the indoor pool so it was all good
  2. yes that was a kid in the third vid, that was also when his clutch went bye-bye, Ryan you shoulda told Danny to calm his happy ass down with the burnouts because his car was gonna break lol
  3. Disturbed-10,000 Fists Tool- 10,000 Days Three Days Grace- One-X
  4. 1qwk767


    fuel check valve, I believe for the fuel rail not sure didnt specify Mark
  5. 1qwk767


    Friend is looking for a check valve for his 3rd gen F-body he has a TPI set-up thanks Mark
  6. Hey is anyone gonna be out on brice rd tonight parked at livingston and brice if so shoot me a call and we can shoot the shit for a while look at some mopars or something else 614-604-3422 Mark
  7. 1qwk767

    New girl

    welcome aboard well just make sure you have a good sense of humor and can handle some of the comments from the assholes of the board and you will survive this place again welcome and happy posting Mark
  8. they guy who owns auto exotica, owns Mobile Electronics over on Morse rd, so thats where the car audio and security came from Mark
  9. http://www.spdkilz.org/Video-Audio/Random%20Car/rideincobra.wmv
  10. I saw that vid but I believe the did the video in an srt 4 haha ill look it up and post it up Mark
  11. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/13929996-204E-47EE-B99C-625C278AF570.htm I think he's on CRACK WTF
  12. I remember this car I might have some older pics of the car before I sold it I can throw em up on photo bucket and throw em up on here if your interested Mark
  13. my power supply fan went out, about 2 months ago, the computer would run for about an hr and shut off wouldnt turn back on, let it sit for about 5-10min and turn it back on and it would run for about 30min and shut back off, went to staples bought a $10 fan and has been running ever since
  14. yes the master cylinder was bled, because I didnt have any clutch pedal at all so we bled it then I had clutch pedal and went from there
  15. after a while we migrated over to the k-mart on westerville rd, then I met up with a few half a dozen f-body guys, and went back over the thrift, then I think I saw you ImUrOBGYN come in and turn around and left hehe, I left shortly after nobody was there Mark
  16. OK here is the story I ordered my act 2600 from IPS been working on the car here and there only when IM motivated which isnt very much well today I worked on the car did the little stuff like hooking up Shift Linkage, Slave Cylinder and filled tranny with trans fluid, hooked everything up and started the motor, started right up well I let the car warm up to operating temp and push the clutch in and it wont go into gear will go into reverse but it grinds, well my clutch actuator under my dash is adjusted all the way out. well after adjusting it out the same issue, so I get smart try and start the car with the clutch pedal in but in 1st gear, the car pulled its self while trying to start it and I am very stumped, I have priced out the slave cylinder and clutch master cylinder and the slave cylinder is by far the cheapest of them all I would like your guys, input on how to get the clutch to engage cause now I really want to drive my car soon
  17. well, if you guys want my cell is 604-3422 name is Mark hit me up IM off Karl and 161 I will be there around 10 10:30ish or so hit me up and ill come over and introduce my self Mark
  18. THRIFT STORE a few people rolled over there last night and hung out for a bit, seems like the new spot is thrift store Mark
  19. few of us migrated over to thrift store last night
  20. 1qwk767

    FS: 1991 240sx

    I have seen this car first hand looks good and a great deal for the money
  21. went over last night after work, started the car with radiator cap off, let the car warm up and the coolant started to show bubbles on the top of the coolant, and we shut the car off, it had quite a few bubbles, so Head Gasket it is cool Mark
  22. so if he replaces the headgasket his motor should be fine?
  23. he took the 450's out and put the stock ones back in, and its doing the same thing
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