in response to Akulas post I agree with what you say that Happy Holidays is so impersonal to say to someone, I work at Toys R Us and Pick-Up (which is like bikes, car seats, strollers, and stuff like that) well a gentleman came into yesterday and bought a bike and stuff so IM loading the bike in his car and he says Merry Christmas to me, and my boss is sitting right behind me so I say happy holidays to the guy (trying to save my ass, because saying merry christmas is against compay policy) and the guy flips out and says " what are you too good enought to not say merry christmas" and slams his door and takes off from behind the store, I feel alot more comfortable saying merry christmas than happy holidays, if I know someone that is a different religion try and get to know them and what there customs are for the holidays and wish them a Merry.......... and go on about my business
just my .02cents