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Posts posted by Sapphy

  1. IMO, suicide can be both selfish and cowardly.  But, It can be other things too.


    Unfortunately, I've had friends that have attempted it (real attempts, not a cry for help or attention), and one that followed through.  If I included freinds of friends, the list gets larger.


    I wouldn't call suicide that resulted from mental illness cowardly, it's more complex than that.  But it can also be attempted out of fear of changing ones current situation (that easily could have been changed).  I think that is cowardly to a degree. 


    It's pretty hard to to generalize on something that complicated.  It's not understood by very many. 



    Selfish is really not a good word for it.  From the suicidal person's point of view, they often see it as selfless.  They often feel like they are such a burden and such a drain on the people around them, they see their death a lifting the burden from the ones they love. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. So I thought I would share more info about the brisket I am smoking today. Thursday evening I put it in a marinade I mad. Here it is
    1/2 C Olive Oil 
    6T Soy Sauce 
    3T Worcestershire Sauce 
    2t Ginger
    9 Cloves of Garlic crushed
    1/2 C Brown Sugar 
    6T Jack Daniels Spicy Brown Mustard 
    3/4c Jack Daniels

    It going to cook ~10-11 hours @ ~250 degrees over a mixture of charcoal and Oak from old Jack Daniels barrels. The garlic is still laying on top of the meat. I use a Weber Vertical Smoker with a water pan in the middle. The marinade the brisket soaked in was emptied into this water pan. I will post how this all comes out.

  3. I heard this on the radio, and have not watched the video yet.


    I had a somewhat similar case at work.  From what I have heard, I would charge everyone.  The 'zombies' are acting disorderly (physically offensive condition that serves no lawful purpose), but you can't respond to that kind of action by driving the car over them.  That whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing applies even when you end up taking the worst of it.



    This is where the report differs.   Some reports say the driver started to "push" through before people started interacting with the car, the driver says they were attacked first and it scared the kids.  The Video looks as if  the driver was "pushing" before anyone interacted with the car.  But I was not there and can't see the whole thing, so I can only speculate.  But car vs human is a very shitty move.

  4. Yes, but only for your own children - you don't have the same level of influence over their friends, and believe me as a parent of a teen - you won't always know exactly when or who will be over.



    Point, but also after that, if a gun came out in an improper way (without adults) I GTFO


    again Education works.  Not talking about it and hiding them does not.

  5. Canceled Dish Network today. Starting Net Flix Tomorrow. Only shows I watch are Walking Dead, Sons Of Anarchy and 24, Ill have to find a way to get those but the kid only watches movies so shes good



    Walking dead you can watch on the AMC website the day after it airs.


    SOA, I buy on ITunes for about 50 bucks a season.  Again I get it the day after it airs when I buy the season pass in the preseason.


    24, I don't know.  Looks to be fox and Fox will stream the day after it airs.


    Also add anything you can stream from the web browser you can play to the TV using ChromeCast.  35 bucks for a very handy little device.

  6. I follow your point now.  But it's not like polygamy has widespread support and these 3 lesbians are being singled out.


    You are right in generally polygamy is not supported. But had it been a guy with 2 women, at most it would be a blerp.  The fact that this makes good fodder for the people fighting marriage equality is the main point as to why this has gotten 95% of the media attention it has. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Are you referring to Mormons? Or do mean someone else?  I am not familiar with other groups that advocate polygamy.

    the Mormons the the biggest group, but not all of them.  There have also been some other groups, I remember a story recently about a group in Texas, and then before that the Branch Dividians. My point is, these lesbian are not doing anything new or that other groups have not done. 


    Well, as a devout and practicing hetero - and a card-carrying asshole - I don't remember advocating polygamy.  I don't have the financial resources or emotional energy for such a thing



    Not all Assholes are into polygamy. I never said such a thing. 

  8. This is not the Slippery slope.  This is basically old shit with a new twist.  Hetro assholes have been trying to have polygamy for years.  Hell there is even polygamy in the christian bible.  This 3way has only made the news because the fear mongers want to hold it up as "This is why we can't let the evil gays get married".


    I have yet to meet anyone that can logically and rationally explain how me muff diving impacts anyone but my GF.

    • Upvote 2
  9. And I applaud you for that - I just resent the implication that the JFS people don't care, or aren't good at their jobs because they don't work in the private sector.


    I do take it a bit personally, because I work with the 'class' of person you're claiming isn't qualified, and I would strongly disagree with your assessment of their motivation and skill.  I could just as easily argue that the private sector people are "just in it for the money," and have no motivation to actually help anyone cope with their problems.


    So what are these "bikers" doing to actually help abused children?  Certainly nothing therapeutic.  Providing them with the knowledge that someone has their back is symbolic, and probably helpful to some degree, but it's not providing them with the private sector therapy you're claiming they need.



    I did not state anyone didn't care (except mum and Dad) and did not say PVT was better than court appointed.  I have worked with both and I have experienced both good and bad in both sectors. But the truth is, J&FS failed for 13 years at getting her out of a systematically abusive situation. A lot of that had little to do with the people at J&FS, but more with holes in the system.  Now I am cleaning up the mess.  She fears them. She fears going back to them. She fears them showing up and starting shit. I think the symbolic knowledge  of having a few others watching her back, would help her relax and help her open up better in the therapist's office.  At this point it is all mute as BACA does not seem to be the avenue to what I was trying to do.  I am moving on to other ideas.

  10. And Job & Family services isn't also doing this? If the courts were involved, I can't see how a referral wouldn't have been made. Typically ongoing therapy is court-ordered.

    J&FS failed this kid for 13 years.  She has less faith in the system then most of you on here.  She has therapy.  We have her in Childrens in their victims of abuse and Domestic Violence program. We have all the "professionals' in place. This does not stop they nightmares and fear that these people will come back and make her hurt again. Someday she will process it, but that day has not come yet.  Everyone in her life now tells her that I will stop anyone from hurting her like that ever again, and she says she understands, but her actions show that she does not really get this.  I was just looking for help to make her feel safe so that she has a better day to  day life as the professionals help her process what these sick people did to her. 

  11. I was not looking to join.  I am working with a little girl that is out of the abusive situation but still has night mares and panic attacks over what happened to her.  The webpage makes it seem like they only care if they get involved when the court shit is going on.  We are past the court shit, and trying to heal and help her move on. She knows I am a bad ass and would drop her mum or dad if they ever came around outside the secure supervised visits, but she still does not feel safe enough.  I thought BACA might be help in that way.

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