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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. I'm older than all of ya, but I'm still in college. Grad school, though. Might not count as much.
  2. Good! I don't know how this will be enforced, but hopefully it WILL be enforced.
  3. I might have to do something about that, then, huh?

  4. It did look like fun. I could understand the cops telling them not to do that, but I thought handcuffing them was a little extreme. That said, for all we know, the cops had already told them several times not to do it.
  5. I forgot about them. Some of you single guys were kinda funny about that, wandering over to wherever they were. Though I've got to say yes they looked good. The driver kinda looked like my girlfriend, though. Although she would never go out like that in public. /threadjack
  6. Oh... I dunno. I don't even know what an activity award is about
  7. I'm guessing the rear seat on the '05 is at least similar to the one on my '04. That method truly did work on mine.
  8. Dammit, that's it. Where's that revolving door? I'm going home, and I'm never coming back! Oh, didn't notice the "WADR"
  9. Turn the key. While it's turned, stick something in there and wiggle it around by the grab handle. That should get it off pretty quickly. I had problems getting mine off a few times, too. There's no way to post this without it sounding ghey.
  10. No more Catalfino's til shirts are delivered! I'm an XS.
  11. Good thing you threw in the "with all due respect". your post was borderline rude toward the new guy, and that obviously doesn't fly here.
  12. This place is within two blocks of my house. Is it near Columbus Gold?
  13. I don't even know wat the activity award IS, but I noticed I have it. Am I officially a post whore? Or is it just since I don't have a job, and spend ALL my waking hours on OR?

  14. I'll sign up for it. I'm signed up for the 180 mile Pelotonia again this year, so what's another 30?
  15. I'll do that. Gonna get up in the morning at get the cables I need, then go from there. I'm tired of looking at it today.
  16. I"m still planning to go to this one, if I have another twisty friendly bike by then. I'm thinking the current one wouldn't like it as well.
  17. Absolutely, it is. Between the bike tools, and buying the house, so I can't call a landlord anymore to fix stuff, I'm gonna need an actual tool box pretty soon.
  18. Love me some Apple stuff. Too bad it's still gotta be AT&T. I like to make phone calls sometimes.
  19. Damn. Beat me to it. Krystyn, your bike isn't an instrument. It's perfection. It's sex. It's pure awesomesauce. Let's not forget that time you destroyed me taking off from the light on Sawmill.
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