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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. I'm originally from Michigan, so I feel your pain. I couldn't use the bars I got from you because the apes were different sized risers. I ended up getting another set, though. With changing all the cables, it meant a lot more intensive than I expected, and, well, it's almost back together, but I'm have some sort of issue with the throttle. It doesn't snap back. It will GO back, but it's just lazy about returning. Not sure where the hang up is. It's not the spring on the carb, it's nice and snappy. Bike looks much better in my opinion, now. Just gotta plug in a couple of harnesses, and put the gas tank back on, then read up on bleeding the brakes, and refilling with fluid. I'm still gonna say it'll be ready by tomorrow night at QSL. IP would have charged me $117 to switch bars. I spent almost that much on tools today. I need to go buy a new brake line and a clutch cable tomorrow, too. At least I enjoyed it. Haven't done much to get dirty in a while.
  2. Oh, I know where the pink pig is.
  3. Alright, since I don't know exactly the details of this pig iron, who's the designated slow guy that waits for the cruiser? Assuming I have it back together by tomorrow night, that is. If not, I'll have my car, so I can just gps that shtuff.
  4. niiiice. Glad I just bought a Yamaha.
  5. I mean lowballing the price on the title, ie Paying $3000 for an '07 Vstar, and marking the title as having paid $250.00 to save on tax.
  6. Done did it. ADT sucks, I'm definitely not THEIR fan on Facebook.
  7. I don't see anything wrong with the way you did it, it's just a little more work on your end, and his end. When I bought the Vstar a few days ago, he still had a lien on it. He owned a business in town, though, so I was fine with forking over the cash, getting a bill of sale on his company letterhead, and him saying he'd get the title in a timely manner. I also trusted him to deliver the bike to me. I was a little nervous about that, since I paid in advance. Point is, he delivered it to my door, paid off his lien at Knox County bank, and overnighted the title to me. Not everyone is out to screw people, claim theft on a bike, or any sort of other shady crap.
  8. Well, now all I have left to do is put all this crap back together, hopefully the right way.
  9. cheap is relative. Compared to your bike, or your house, the Blaster pants are cheap, and therefore, even if you get busted, you can stand by the logic that at least they were cheap.
  10. To the average passerby, yes.
  11. I posted even when I didn't know what I was talking about. It's how I learned a thing or two. Welcome, though
  12. If you ride through Bethel Commons, I'll wave. Otherwise, I probably won't leave my garage for 3-19 days.
  13. Just cuz we don't drink beer and ride home?
  14. Well, at least you'll be prepared if I need to ask for help with the brake bleeding. I'm getting there, slowly but surely. To be honest, when I started this job, I didn't expect I'd be sitting here looking at my bike all in pieces. It's good learnin, though.
  15. New bars are sitting safely in the garage, no worries.
  16. So, I got the apehangers sold. Today is a happy day. I'm now trying to remove them from the bike, as well as the cables. So far, i've managed to get the grips off, unbolt the controls, and now I'm stuck. www.e-how.com has failed me. Any advice for how to proceed? I've already got in the back of my mind that removing the brake line is going to be a hassle, as well as a mess. It's one of those things where I'm doubting my mechanical aptitude, but I want to do it myself, and save the $117 IP would charge me to do it. Anybody near Dublin that's free right now that would want to come teach me how to do this for $50 or just out of the kindness of your heart? Not sure where else to go from here. I ordered a manual thing, but it's not here yet, and this guy is picking up these beautiful apes today at 4:00.
  17. 2 cops plus one waiting ahead... That IS the entire force, isn't it?
  18. For most people, it means pound. I took it to mean one pound of bologna, BUT, for this guy, maybe it means #1 most important thing, so they can make beanie wienies for dinner, and it's cheaper than hot dogs, and just as good.
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