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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. That whole "hair on fire" thing is what I hate most about my bike. Not to mention a tank of premium every 150 miles.
  2. What about people who use their car LIKE a truck?
  3. I'm just gonna jump in here and ask... For the prices these scooters go for, why would someone buy one? You could get a real motorcycle for the price you'd pay for a scooter... I'm clearly missing something here.
  4. No, I'd more describe it as I was riding on the same roads as you.
  5. Like I said, he just got my storm door open. Still have the front door and ADT to get past, but I had that key on my keychain. So I still feel my stuff is safe.
  6. I'll vouch for this. You were all very good about waiting for me, even when I was so far behind I couldn't even see anyone anymore. Through it all, I still manage to stay ahead of some, without even knowing it, though.
  7. What problem? It's a storm door, I'm tempted to take the damn lock OFF it.
  8. AD Farrow is having a reunion ride for the people who have taken their MSF class that day... So, I could ride with you guys and be one of the slower guys, or I could ride with a bunch of newbs on Harleys... Decisions, decisions...
  9. You DO know that motorcycles aren't very safe, by their very nature, right? My experience with Scooters, (not Vespas) has been limited to renting one at the beach once. They'll do what you want it to do, but I didn't get anywhere near highway speeds, etc.
  10. Saw one today while I was riding, so I didn't get to snap a pic, but it was on Sawmill Rd. by Target. On an Infiniti G35: N B OND Took me a second, then I lol'd.
  11. Build me a deck? $200. I'm nice, so I'll even let ya wait until your hand is healed.
  12. Jeez, people. I'll go tomorrow. lol. I'm sure I can find some reason to go there.
  13. Well, I didn't go. BMW gave me some spools for Freeeeeeeee, so I didn't go.
  14. Definitely should come. I'm a noob here, and I come every week. I still don't know very many people, but it's a good time. Maybe my gf will come this week.
  15. Dang, I do, don't I. I just noticed. Time to figure out where I went wrong.
  16. No, it didn't seem hard to find. Soon as you get off of 70, turn left at the first traffic light, and there it is.
  17. So glad you chimed in. I'm glad it wasn't a near miss, too.
  18. I'm not gonna be able to make this one. Got a midterm tonight at 7:30 on campus.
  19. With geting myself locked out of the house, I forgot to mention, or maybe just wouldn't have mentioned it at all, but I had my first near miss today. I just left school, going north on High Street, a couple of blocks past Lane Ave. Guy pulls way up past stop sign on a side street, stopped, looked right at me, waited a half second for me to get a little closer, then pulled out. I'm just glad it was dry pavement, new tires, and nobody behind me, or it could have been a bad day for me. Got next to the guy at the next traffic light, and he gave me a sheepish little wave. I was kinda surprised, usually I'm a VERY laid back, go with the flow kinda guy, but I was pissed. F you, guy driving the black Trailblazer.
  20. Lol. Im in the hood fo sho. Dublin is a rough place.
  21. I'm in! I asked for a hammer, but he wanted me to not do it because it would be so loud, and I should use a glass cutter, instead. I think he thought I was actually trying to break in. Anyway, my next door neighbor came home, and got the door open in ten seconds, with a screwdriver. Gotta love good neighbors.
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