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Everything posted by redrocket04

  1. That's what I do. Wait til right before the end of the auction, and bid the max amount you're truly willing to pay. You'll either win it for less, or you'll find out you're outbid, but won't pay more, and it'll cost the other bidder more.
  2. I didn't remember, but now that you mention it, now I do.
  3. I thought our waitress was pretty good. Musta been the same one you guys had.
  4. Glad you're alright. That's the important thing. The second important thing is the impressive distance you went off road. Once I saw you were standing and fine, it turned impressive, not before that.
  5. I'm back home. Great time, just sore pretty much all over.
  6. Yeah, that was probably us. Were at lunch now.
  7. Glad you're ok. Hopefully, you've followed the advice of your avatar, and buying parts don't be an issue. Lol
  8. Damn, it went right over my head. I sat here for ten minutes looking at the time stamp and your reply... lol.
  9. Whatever you say. Says it posted today at 3:59, but mabe the time stamp is wrong.
  10. Oops, thought that's what a forum was for. You'll also notice that I didn't ask HOW to do it, but rather if someone wanted to just kinda mentor me with bike maintenance.
  11. That'd be great if I had an owners manual, but I don't. I'll figure it out and do it tonight, though. That way it'll be ready for the ride tomorrow.
  12. I know. Crazy that I wasn't born knowing how to do everything, huh? Bad day? I'd still rather learn than try to get into your good graces and F-up my bike, ya know?
  13. Craigslist is a bot, y'all. Craigslist is not going to be starting any type of buy here pay here motorcycle dealership. Go to the OP, and click "more"... This will take you to the actual person considering a buy here pay here motorcycle dealership.
  14. Nope, he's 16 hours overdue. Waitaminnit, you're the guy with dial-up internet, right? It's Friday, buddy.
  15. I'm going. Cheech even reminded me to buy lube.
  16. Ok, maybe one comment: Why is it that some passengers feel the need to constantly be moving around on the seat? Why does a passenger who claims to be so scared to ride, resists helmet, gloves and jacket so vigorously? Oh, and it's NOT a @#$% Ninja!!!
  17. With all the Kawi Kid stuff going on, I didn't remember to mention it. She did ride it last night. Seeing as how she does stalk this forum occasionally, I'll leave it with no further comments.
  18. I'd ride up for part of that. I leave for Thailand the day it ends, so preferably a little earlier in the week, though.
  19. Damn. I'm glad you're alright. At least you've got dinner taken care of for all of OR, though.
  20. Never heard of Blueball, but I've been to Knockemstiff. It's definitely NOT the kind of place you want your car to break down in the middle of the night. Or the middle of the day, even. Ohio's very own Deliverance....
  21. Welcome. I'm on the red and black cbr on campus. Well, one of them, anyway.
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