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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. more than likely i wont make it cause im a bitch.
  2. i haven't been anywhere really so...
  3. they have by far the best deal on rubber, but its so much better then everybody else i'm kinda skeptical.
  4. multiple times. destroyed a cowbell after an all night keystone light bender.
  5. you have a specific route i could look at? i'm in parma myself.
  6. its good to see that people on this board know their stuff, apparently craigslist isn't full of aficionados.
  7. Installed a new bulb in my rear signal, which doesn't sound too involved... Except they are cheap ass bikemaster mini blinkers and I had to put the bulb in with needle nose pliers. Nevermind the fact that I had to order replacement bulbs off of fleabay... cost more than the blinkers FML.
  8. Thanks! I just want to sell it to someone who will use it and not trash it. I haven't had a ton of action on it. I originally listed for 6 hundy anticipating low ballers. 400 would make me happy, and the hawk can get some new hoops!
  9. i already have a wii that is basically a paper weight, but thanks anyways.
  10. its one of the higher quality pearls from the late 90's... not like some of the crap they sell today.
  11. thanks, i had it listed higher but only got a few emails and no takers. obviously i have more than that in it, but it just sits and i have bike parts waiting. trading one bad habit for another.
  12. whats up with the low side of the can? looks like its rashed a bit. is it just the pics?
  13. i'm selling my drum set and have it listed here... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/msg/1759771946.html any questions please email me at red.integra@gmail.com make sure you mention that you saw it here. lowered the price. again...
  14. i was walking around carrying my helmet because its such a bitch to lock it on my bike. the lefty puts the pipe right where the helmet would go.
  15. you werent near it i think? no one was by it. that handicap trike was pretty slick. i walked up to that v8 trike, you were probably standing 3 feet away from me. he has a little crowd of people there.
  16. i got there at 7ish, left by 735-745 next time we'll have to swap cell numbers so i could have at least had someone to bullshit with.. i has no one to ride with, so bike night consists of me walking around like a tard.
  17. i saw your bike. it was the odd man out in a sea of cruisers. i had to park back over in the far corner.
  18. looked like a HOG rally. i bailed after 30 mins.
  19. i'm heading to valley view tonight, i'll be at olde rt. 8 and valleyview rd. around 6:30 txt me @ 216 406 7990 if you want to meet up.
  20. i was going to post "he died" but i realized ryan_c_f would be the only one who knew exactly what i meant.
  21. im confused, did you make that artwork thats on the building, or is it just the same as the artwork in your av?

  22. sorry, unauthorized hotlinking of copyrighted material not permitted worldofstock.com
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