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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. and since someone posted a pic of their bike with some wrap, my hawk for like a day looked like this.
  2. what time are we rolling out after the meet and greet?
  3. might make it out to this, depends on how my weekend shapes up.
  4. El capitan


    i worked at UPS for 9 years, and i can tell you that we never in those 9 years stored anything in a crate for anybody.
  5. i'm game to ride tonight, and i might have some screws in my garage. i get home around 7
  6. rip, so we know who it was then for sure?
  7. El capitan

    7/14 qs&l

    The overflow would be Easiest for me to find everybody. Fuck it, I'll probably just head down 303 into peninsula then hit riverview. Maybe I'll run into you guys. Be careful watch for deer especially towards the end of riverview. You go up the last hill there by a three way stop and i've seen quite a few there. They wander across towards this house on the top of the hill.
  8. El capitan

    7/14 qs&l

    so riding out of qsl at 645 or the boneyard? basically i'm leaving aurora at 620, and i can head any which way. i usually make it to bike night between 645/700 depending on traffic.
  9. El capitan

    7/14 qs&l

    You guys are killing me with this 6 o'clock crap. I can be at qsl by 645ish or I could meet you guys somewhere along riverview earlier. I can hit it from multiple roads if that sounds good, or I can just ride to the lube. I don't want to hold anyone up. Bad's got my cell number so feel free to hit me up.
  10. i cruise around the valley basically everytime i ride. i like it down there, and its usually about an 1.5 ride which is perfect after work. pm me fuckers so we can ride together at some point. i'm growing tired of riding solo.
  11. i know of this turn. either i get stuck behind a cager, or as i'm rocketing out of the corner i see a cop. never fails.
  12. El capitan

    7/14 qs&l

    as usual i'll be cruising thru and then hitting the roads for a bit.
  13. Fuel pump relay? I have no idea.
  14. i'm probably game for riding tomorrow. hit me up.
  15. ESPNCleveland In a phone interview with the AP Gilbert says "people have covered up for (James) for way too long. Tonight we saw who he really is." -ESPN
  16. or my favorite, when you have your visor cracked and the bug just catches the edge and the spray.....
  17. i knew it was bad when i could smell it after i hit it.
  18. cruising through the metro parks today when outta nowhere i see this thing headed right at me. it caught me square in the chest at ~45 mph. my mesh jacket basically became a cheese grater. it went basically like this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aroa4BZkiI&feature=related
  19. i'm going out to wash the bike off now... i'm looking for a nice ride, minimal to no highway. hit me up.
  20. i'm planning on heading out in a bit, shoot me a text if you want to meet up 2 1 6 4 0 6 7 9 9 0 my name is Mike btw.
  21. as a matter of fact i think his name was jerry. i would have liked to check out his rc30 too!
  22. the selection is kinda odd for a store of that size, but customer service is where its at. hell i bought a new shield and a battery tender while i was at it. you riding at all tomorrow?
  23. white gloves cause i'm fuckin classy bitches.
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