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El capitan

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Everything posted by El capitan

  1. gassed up bitches. ready to ride right meow.
  2. i had visions of my wife telling me the exact same thing. its all good man, we've all been there. nice to meet you guys. we'll have to do it again for sure.
  3. hit me up next time you go, i can bring my spotting scope. makes range time so much more enjoyable. you can leave a target out there for ever.
  4. saturdays are good for me, fridays..... not so much. you riding the lazyboy?
  5. only if they wore those face shields around 24/7
  6. in other news, that softball game finished CAN 30 - USA 29
  7. El capitan


    the very end is fucking funny
  8. at first it was refreshing, then it quickly became annoying,
  9. El capitan


  10. judging by how drenched i ended up i'd say you bailed at just the right time.
  11. nice to meet some of you guys, had a nice ride for sticking around the valley. hopefully i can meet some more people when the official meet and greet gets rescheduled.
  12. i managed to get 5 mins from home and the skies opened up.
  13. i'd roll out, but sounds like you got it covered
  14. wouldn't be surprised to see it be nice and sunny all day.
  15. my bike had to be no more then 20 feet from you. haha.
  16. fucker, where were you parked at? i rolled through around 7:30
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