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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Sounds good. We might be able to use one of my stores if after 8 one night since I have a master key. Maybe order pizzas or something. I would have to ask if I can borrow a store other then mine at Polaris.
  2. I would like to see if I can help, but if you are dealing with retail people it is going to be very hard to find the time to meet up in person. The main things to remember is to use feel/thought/found while overcoming objections, and solving the underlining problem that you have to find with great qualiyfing questions. Another major thing is making sure to not ask a question with just a yes or a no answer. Cause then the conversion can be over. During some downtime finding questions that work for you is a key with a co-worker over the phone or right next to people. Sometimes it is just your wording to better words. Like people asking some to buy something vs asking them if they would like to own it. Another is payment vs monthly investment. I'm just waking up and still in bed so if this doesn't flow I'm sorry.
  3. Plus if you get it out of state you don't pay tax, but I understand that you should pay tax when they ask you on your taxes each year. I just don't keep track of that stuff.
  4. Remember this engine is just to hold him over while he builds the other one.
  5. Thanks for the Foosball Table! I got it all lubed up and test game will be tonight with the wife.
  6. Well I did have some fun hacking into the that parts truck at Adam's house. Never would of thought that some guy off Craigslist would just give us tools, a truck, garage, and kids clothes to soak up oil or coolant. I now live my life buy "What would Adam do?" in every way...
  7. I might do that. House rules is spins! Skating Rink rules bro.
  8. I'm 100% getting the table. I can't wait to have it.
  9. I'll take the fooseball table! Where can we meet up? My days off are kinda different since I'm in retail. E-mail might be the best. IVRINGS@yahoo.com
  10. I'm a baller on Zynga Poker... We would play that at during work on Facebook with our other stores.
  11. Here are just a few of the new things they are talking about for the iPad 3. Now as of right now these are all expectiong, but not 100% yet. If just a few of these things are added or done is why I would want to wait a few months. That screen alone would be like 4 times what the screen is now I think. iPad 3 Features Expectation ■Retina Display: People were expecting a retina display with the iPad 2; but the iPad disappointed them with the same display of the previous iPad. Now followers are waiting for an iPad 3 with a retina display. There is a rumor that the iPad 3 may offer a resolution of 2048×1536 pixels. ■SD Card Slot: People are expecting a revolution in Apple iPad 3 with an SD card slot. Hopefully Apple may introduce SD card slot with the third generation iPad. ■Improved HDMI: Yes iPad 2 also supports HDMI playback but you need to have Apple digital AV adapter, and that comes at an additional cost of $39. So it is much expected from iPad 3 to have an HDMI port that eliminates additional requirement of the HDMI cable. ■Camera Flash: A camera with flash is a much-waited feature of the iPad; people were expecting iPad 2 to have camera flash; now we would be wondering if iPad 3 will have camera with flash. ■Thunderbolt: The iPad 3 may have a Thunderbolt port. That will offer power, video and data connectivity using the same connector at lightning speed. ■Wireless Synchronize: People are expecting iPad 3 to offer wireless sync of content rather than the traditional wired connectivity.
  12. No problem! Helps thin out my stock pile of wheels that I'm working on.
  13. I see... Do you know if the trans works, or if it works on a V8 also?
  14. Also hell if it has a dual tanks also I might see about the front since mine leaks if you put fuel in. Not sure if I should just do a patch type kit that is fuel save.
  15. Hey does the trans from the 300 bolt up to my V8 in my 93? I would love to know how it is doing cause I don't have reverse much after I use it first thing in the morning. Plus my bed is rusted to shit. Might see how the drivers seat is also since mine is missing some padding, and if you have good drivers belt and clip for the seat belt we might need to do some trading.
  16. He picked up my 3 yesterday for CHEAP! So I don't know if he still needs more. Thanks again!
  17. Well I want one before someone at works gets one... Please... Like I said I have cash in hand for one to get me to iPad 3 cause I don't know if I want to get an iPad 2 now if 3 is just a few months away.
  18. The guy at Polaris said they all have stock coming in, but they only kinda know when they are coming in. When they are coming fedex they will know, but the drop ships they said can come anytime. If I had time off I would just chill in the store and start a line.
  19. Sending the boss the info. Thanks!
  20. From what my friend said that stopped in at Dayton they where gone, but I thought that would be the case since it was later in the day. So I guess I just need someone to hook me up with one they have...
  21. They are like 250, and for $75 more you can get iPad 2's so I don't think that is as cheap as they need to be.
  22. Anyone want to sell the $99 one they have? I just want to use it for myself and maybe get one for the wife if someone can pick one up for me. I don't mind helping with gas and maybe a little bit extra for getting them.
  23. x2 someone was camped out at Polaris at 5am this morning. I saw that Dayton has like 22 and 10 of the other. I just want the 99 one please if someone can go there and clear them out. I have cash in hand.
  24. Hey if he doesn't do the fridge I wouldn't mind checking out the price since I'm trying to talk the boss into buying a used one for us since the small doorm sized doesn't work for 3-4 people at work daily.
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