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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Bike Trailer for sale $200 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93322
  2. Winner! Only down side would be I would need to give mine up for it and get that new gay plate
  3. Then I would have to help her around all the time. I wouldn't mind letting the mother-in-law test it out, but really the wife and I have a good agreement that she cleans the house and I mow the grass and trim. She does the flower beds with her mom and brother every few weeks.
  4. Looks like both places are more downtown. Anyone know of a place up north in my area(Lewis Center)?
  5. I haven't called anyone yet cause I wasn't sure who might be the best place to use. I'll call como mower and also check out this BPS place too. Since they are simple things I just would rather drop it off and pick it up. Since I've not owned it's full life I just don't want any dumb crap to happen. I mean I'm just spinning a saw blade around my feet.
  6. Anyone want to help out? Otherwise should I just pick up the ones in the Sale for $50? This also has the metal blade installed and also have the string thing also.
  7. This sounds like something that I would like to be in also. Only thing I would love to have again when ever I needed would be a tire mount/dismounter and balancer for swaping out wheels and tires. If there was an area that allowed for a small inground lift for just changing tires would be sweet. Kinda like the ones from Discount Tire but into the floor 1-2" for us cars that like a little more low. I've seen them installed in some peoples personal garages just to swap out tires so I don't think they are to pricey. Plus I think it will limit the amount of damage people can do if they are new at using lifts.
  8. Hey guys my father-in-law gave me a nice Echo trimmer for us to use at the house. It was just like the one I had back in Oklahoma and loved it, but it had set for a while and needs a new primer and maybe looked over since it was hard to start the one time I did get it started and it would run good, but the 2nd time I went to use it the primmer just fell apart on the 2nd push. Who can I drop this off and get it up and running again? It is a staight pole unit not a bent pole if they even make them in that brand. Thanks
  9. I say Lindsay Wright Co. is a great company to deal with. They are the ones that I've seen do the best work form all the home shows I do. They can keep it simple or do it as custom as you want. I've know both owners for almost 3 years now and they can really show you some great past jobs to make sure you know what you are getting into. Also they have an online gallery for you to see if you follow that link.
  10. I would love to make 29K in one night of work at a bar. I wonder how much this really happens at the Wynn.
  11. I still think you should keep it!
  12. Was this right around 6ish? I saw some guy leaving the mall on one that had the extended rear and maybe some cam work done to it.
  13. Our VC is a avg of a year sales that is paid to us on the 15th check when we take it. Before it was an avg of 3 months.
  14. Jetta is 5x100 not 5x112 sorry
  15. I think they are 312mm like Missy's car, but make sure they clear the stock wheels.
  16. I don't think the S4's can fit behind the 16's so you will need some wheels to go with that.
  17. Just go to Audizine and have fun. Audiworld is also ok, but I don't like the layout as much as the zine. If Jones upgrades I'm going to need those before Steve will since I'm going over what I should be doing on stock A4 brakes. I would love to find a set of VW Touareg/Porsche Cayenne 6-piston brembos, but then I also need to find wheels at the same time since I don't think the 17's fit on those. So that will be maybe after state fair show where I make a nice bonus.
  18. Gotcha! The car looked great when I was there last week before it left I guess getting polished up.
  19. Hey Dave don't you work at a yard? Do you have any?
  20. WoW that is fast! BTW can I ask why the brake lights are on the whole way down the track in the 7sec pass? I looked at other vids you had of the 8sec runs and they turn off after you leave the line. Are you holding back the whole way down the track? j/king
  21. I was really impressed with Menard's. I wished we didn't buy any of our lighting we have in the last few months cause they have 3 to 4 times the amount of product to show. I can say the area is getto as hell since we even closed up one of our stores just a block away on the same side of the road.
  22. I'm not to far behind you in the trans, but I hope it holds on for a big longer.
  23. Hmm... I would have to say I would tell my 18 year old self to ask for my B-day 3 way with my girlfriends best friend back in the day. I found out years later it was planed for my b-day, but me the dumbass broke up with her 2 weeks before my b-day for another girl that sucked in bed compaired to her. FTL.. Also your Gramps is going to die after his 3rd time dealing with cancer, and when you rushed to go see him when your mom calls he passed on the way there. So don't walk into the room to try to wake him while he is laying dead in the bed while the nurse walked away to check on someone else.
  24. I wonder if that is part of that system you see one the boards about avg time to get to different highways/interstates.
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