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Everything posted by IVRINGS

  1. Is anyone get the 32 one or just the 16? I don't even use all the room in my 8, but with all the video and new stuff I'm thinking the 32 might be a must. Is there anything major that is upgraded from the 16 to 32 other then HD?
  2. I'm thinking of ordering one instead of just going to the store that morning. Does anyone know when we would get the phone? Is it true that the white is not ready till end of summer?
  3. Sorry someone from work took them before I could contact you. Sin e no cells are allowed inside I didn't get that till today.
  4. Pm me some contact info. If you bring back the pass mugen I think I can do it for you. Bob enjoy Friday & Saturday!
  5. While I was at the Home shows this year I had this company next to/close to me at almost every show. Both owners are great guys, and I watched there guys put in the walkway from building to building. Tell him Trey from Mattress Firm sent you over if you talk to the owners. Lindsay Wright Co. http://www.lindsaywright.com/
  6. How many do you need? I will be there with our company, but they only gave us 6 reuseable neck things for our other employees. I'm tryin' to call my DM that is down there to get more, but I'm tryin' to get maybe day passes to be able to give out. I will update later today or tomorrow.
  7. I'm in line too, but only if the price is right. I should of got that one a few weeks ago for 500. The wife said no the first time I asked, but then 1-2 days go buy, and then tells me to see if it was still around. I was like I'm sure it is not. So me add me to the list. So if you pass on one let me know about it too.
  8. I hate to say it but I'm still thinking of going with an Evo, and I know I will miss the Audi for the interor and a lot of other things. I just wished I could of got that Silver EVO for 5G's the needed the motor and trans before I got my Audi, but I missed out by not looking more.
  9. I always use Meguiar's QD too, but I wish I had the Jax Wax spray we used at Crestview. It was orange in color and had a fruit type smell, and worked like a dream.
  10. I also was looking at the 325, but it was a little slow for me. I was looking at the x but that was even slower with the AWD system. If you can find a good 330 you get the power of the M without all the insureace. Also like Aaron said try to find a 6-speed, but in that budget it might be hard. My 5-speed does good, but a little high in the RPM's on the highway.
  11. I was looking at IS300's and was just about to get one, but I took out an B6(02-05) A4 1.8t 5-speed Quattro and it was over after that. The IS look great stock, but I was looking at major upgrades to make it as nice inside and out as the Audi. Plus right now you can find them from 7-12K depending if you want higher miles, lower miles, USP, FWD(don't think about it), Nav, sport, or 1.8t or 3.Slow. Anything over 60K make sure the Timing belt has been door or have it done asap. So if this will be also the winter DD the Quattro will really be something to look into.
  12. I know I'm just more pissed off about this highschool type drama crap that is going on. No big deal.
  13. Yeah like me that buys cars off here, helps people out that can't drive unless it is to work, has one of the best house parts still to date I think, and helps get some of the people better jobs then they have now. I'm a real piece of work bro... :gtfo:
  14. Why do we even have a "Flame Room" that we can't talk about the stuff going on.
  15. I will say it was a BIG FUCK YOU to him because of just acting like he didn't see my post or my PM. I'm not hidding that, but if you where buying a car that was hit by a bus don't you think that detail should be listed.
  16. I didn't think telling the truth about a car getting hit before was shitting. I think we all remember about the bus hitting his car cause we all learned that his insureace had to cover it.
  17. Well I guess us Audi guys need to hang out more, but I find that since I'm tryin' to help get all the facts out about the car being sold.
  18. So I love how I get kicked out of a post for making sure someone tells the truth about the car they are selling has been hit by a bus before. That kinda detail I think should be listed don't you?
  19. If you don't want to talk about it here PM me some details on what is up. Last time we hung out was at your place off Sawmill when Cody spilled beer all over my leg, and nothing ever happened after that that I know of.
  20. This is the photo that the Audi site had with it. Looks like the right car, but no V8 for sure. http://assets.nydailynews.com/img/2010/04/25/alg_stolen_civic.jpg
  21. That is why I asked cause that is just a few parts on the front end cost that. I know mine is well older, but I would be around $400-500 range I would think with the build of this kind. I still would lose out a lot at that price, but I can't help that.
  22. I don't have any extra frames at this point.
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