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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. DATE CHANGE Nathan and I are big fans of Road Racing and we have gone to many races across the country, we are big supporters of our local team the most; Shank Racing. We have teamed up with Mike Shank and his crew to give you all a SHOP TOUR! MARCH 11th 6:30PM! RSVP your spot (limited spots available!!) - I am opening up the last spots to CR so we can bring a big showing of the local scene to the shop. I hope to go get some food afterwards, but lets see how things pan out. http://www.michaelshankracing.com/ If you plan to come and bring a guest, let me know so I know how many spots I have left!
  2. Can't link pics here from Facebook- upload them to photobucket or imgur and share from there
  3. mrs.cos

    Cr Doctors

    Make sure when you call your PCP that you're telling them you have a very specific issue and not just" I just need to see the doctor". if you're scheduling a regular check up, yeah it might be two months, but when there's an issue usually they can get you in sooner Foot pain is no joke. Hope it's not diabetes
  4. Nathan cringes every time jay leans on the car
  5. I can just imagine those big ole ears flopping in the wind
  6. Honestly this is where hiring someone who specializes in Real Estate Photography pays off. Winter doesnt make things look shitty, shitty photos make everything look shitty.
  7. mrs.cos

    Go Fund Me

    this stupid gofund me post has bled into other groups and it pisses me off because I try to run a clean group. I let the original post take care of itself .. But then someone screenshot it and reshares it after OP deleted it amd encourages continual flaming and someone else did the same and shared to other groups...
  8. And for fucks sakes - don't be an asshole at your surgery. My dad just went in for knee surgery a few months ago and prior to the surgery he was told he had to remove his boxers for sterile reasons- he absolutely refused to do it. He was a total prick about it. Dad.. No one wants to look at your junk, I promise and even if they did- your boxers aren't gonna stop em!! Drove me insane. Sorry... Anyways- if it's a chronic thing- just get it fixed- the older you are the harder it is to recover from things. I watched a knee surgery for my dad age him right before my eyes. ( a lot of it was his own fault but still no fun). It's been a rough few months getting him to recover and we have to go through it all again in the spring with his other knee. Research online will weigh on you heavily- but don't let it cripple your mind on getting it done. Your doctor went to school for a long ass time, and they didn't let him do the surgery a without being trained by other surgeons. I agree if it's something non standard about getting a second opinion but don't overthink it.
  9. I need that purple in me life *eek*
  10. mrs.cos


    Love the shaker fascia
  11. mrs.cos


    That's lovely- I have no idea .. But feast your eyes on these!! http://imgur.com/gallery/IbUwf
  12. I'm going to disagree about dealing with Local Agents. We've been with Cincinnati Insurance through Hoskett and Ullen for almost 8 years now. I can email them and they will respond very quickly- she checks our rates at the end of every renewal with competitors and let's us know we have cheaper options if we want them (Cincinnati has been awsome to work with on house and car issues- no desire to leave them and after a couple years they were always just s few dollars more than competitors) I would greatly encourage calling Liz Payne at (614) 339-1771 I love having an agent I can just call and say my name and she KNOWS my policy before she even pulls it up.
  13. I saw gas today at the Turkey Hill on High Street near campus for $1.57 today.. CuRAAAZY.
  14. I have a serious question.. Why did you install the light before you had electricity to it? your dining room looks awesome.
  15. Where you live, you would have no problem selling your house. You can find the comps for your neighborhood pretty easily. being under a time constraint, i'd be more apt to go with a reputable realtor though, so things are done when you need them to be done by.
  16. Congrats scott . One thing to remember is now you will have time to heal. To get your back feeling better, and maybe one day if you WANT to .. you can go back to working on cars.. but sometimes you have ot look at the big picture and see what really needs to be done.
  17. jesus he looked like he was hit by a car! I fell asleep last night before half time.. and woke up to all the hubbub this morning.
  18. Yah- puppies can't hold that long- especially that young- Figure one hour per month of age (mileage may vary) please get up in the middle of the night and take puppy to potty.
  19. at twelve weeks old her bladder/bowels are barely able to hold themselves for about 3 hours.. how long is she being in there and having accidents? is she being given potty breaks right before she goes in, as well as not having food and water in there while in it?
  20. you cant youtube while driving a mustang
  21. How old and how long is the dog in the crate?
  22. Medvet is who we are working with for Lola's neuro work- i haven't thought to ask them about home euth.
  23. The Researcher in me couldnt not look up all the info. Its a sucky subject to have to try and research. I cried all morning for all of us. City Paws $172-312 Cat >25lbs $206-360 based on weight, and aftercare Works with Schoedinger Funeral Home for after care Dr. Molly does the Euthanasia Injection based, not IV Based Euthanasia Generally speaking appts are 1-3 days out, some days can be same day works with Schoedinger Funeral Home Emergency Euth is possible (associated emergency fee possible) Less Stress Vet $170-290 Cat $170-470 Dog* *based on weight, aftercare and miles to your location Unknown/Assumed Dr Taylor does Euth Unknow Method of euth (they left me a message, did not speak directly with them to be able to ask questions) Works with PetCremations (will handle transportation to PetCremations) Does not do Emergency Euthanasia, Appointments are about a week out Closure Thier voicemailbox is full- Ill attempt to email them. *Funeral/Cremation services We have used PetCremations twice now, and found them reasonably priced and respectful PetCremations Columbus Schoedinger Funeral Pet Services http://schoedingerpetservices.com/
  24. Im ready for season 2.
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