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Everything posted by mrs.cos

  1. FYI for those interested- Enterprise Video Platform
  2. Why not just upgrade a few of the cameras to some higher end night vision camers? (Im sorry you guys had to deal with this :( )
  3. He handled the situation wrong. Retreat is prior to pullin your gun. Why did he leave the scene? Was the other perp still there?
  4. Eric this is pertaining to having pulled your gun.
  5. Right but this is even coming from the victims point of view, which most people done realize (I, was among those until saturday)
  6. So the teacher of our class made a few things very clear, and while they may have been brought up here, i didnt see them. The police can NEVER help you in court. Nothing you say to them will EVER help you. Anything a police officer may say to help you in court is considered hearsay. It is in YOUR best intrest to say nothing at all. No Words. Period. Same thing when calling 911. Answer the phone state your name and address and what you are wearing and that you armed and protected and set the phone done (dont hang up) talking to 911 is the police as well. He said to then call your lawyer and answer him/her in only "mmmhmm"."uhuhh"
  7. That is the video i am refering to
  8. Yah ill post video later but its a pretty old one. Its in regards to if you ever have to pull your gun
  9. Because **added to beginning for others to see first time they open** So the teacher of our class made a few things very clear, and while they may have been brought up here, i didnt see them. The police can NEVER help you in court. Nothing you say to them will EVER help you. Anything a police officer may say to help you in court is considered hearsay. It is in YOUR best intrest to say nothing at all. No Words. Period. Same thing when calling 911. Answer the phone state your name and address and what you are wearing and that you armed and protected and set the phone done (dont hang up) talking to 911 is the police as well. He said to then call your lawyer and answer him/her in only "mmmhmm"."uhuhh"
  10. Ok, now that my brain isn't fried, ill give a little write up on my experience. Bobby, (the teacher from At Home CCW) was awesome. Seriously. I greatly enjoyed his class. I feel like he did an amazing job. He let me shoot one of his guns because my hands were too small for the last of the 3 guns he had for us to shoot at the range. He emphasized a lot of the legal issues that come with being a CCW person. I was REALLY dragging by the end of the day.. i was fighting staying awake. Im not sure what could have been done to help that.. it was just a LONG day. He did however keep things lively, he was very personable, and his spanish accent was a little on the dreamy side. ( )
  11. I can call u or pm you tomorrow.. Whichever
  12. Nathan doesnt like to "tinker" I do. If this is gonna be repaired, my dad and i will do it. We are under a time constraint as well .
  13. Its going ok so far but I'm dragging. The teacher is pretty funny. I did pretty well at the range.
  14. Sure! But the issue is getting to the bearing. My dad and i researched videos all day today trying to decide if it was a prjoct he would like to tackle. Ive NEVER seen him shy away from something like this... Until today. :-/
  15. 300 in parts 197 in labor + the 80 in diagnostic fee. The general concensous of the repair is summed up here http://m.managemylife.com/mmh/questions/149324-remove-replace-washtub-bearings-lg-tromm-model-wm2277hb-front-load-washer
  16. Thats just it though, we spent 900 on this thing, i wanted a higher end unit so i wouldnt havr to worry about shit like this.. Its why i am so pissed. They only reason they weren't more is because they wernt stackable and are electric
  17. Yaaaaahhh thats not gonna go well for me then /sigh Sitting through a movie that is really good, barely keeps me seated and attent.
  18. Pretty excited, taking the CCW class and 2 housr of range tomorrow. Need some input though. I get very fidgety or very sleepy during lectures. Is it ok to get up and move around during class time? Is it interactive typically? Im nervous because we are taking this class with a lot of my husbands co workers and im worried about embarrassing him. We are doing class for 5 hours; range time for 2, then finishing the other 5.
  19. In the ever outpouring of money bleeding from my house this summer.. my 4-5 year old LG Tromm Front washer took a shit this past weekend. Apparently the Bearings int he Direct drive have gone out... Needless to say i am beyond pissed.. :fuuuu::fuuuu: We, of course are out of warranty, and it looks like iits close to $600 to repair. What the fuck happened to appliances lasting 10-15 years? I am so disenfranchised right now. Anyways.. Do we have anyone who does appliance repair full time, that would like some side work? I am VERY close to just buying a craigslist washer for six to eight months and buying one next summer. /sigh **situation resolved** See post #15 for company review
  20. Yah, i thought it had some serious morbid qualites so i went with the red tint... glad it portrayed taht way to others as well
  21. So i posted up a few weeks ago that i had bought a underwater bag for my camera. Sunday, i got brave and put in the D700. Its so nerve wracking, but once i got into a zone of shooting, i forgot about the nerves. I also had a mask and snorkel this time, so that made life a little easier too. I honestly cant wait till this is a second nature type photography for me.. its still awkward getting used to the bag. These are quite a bit more shopped than i normally do, just becaues i am trying out some new tecniques, but i am over all happy with them. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7934859136_6b6f2de954_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3279.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8177/7934858694_132c3bc628_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3258.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8029/7934859506_26a23bc0e8_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3508.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8178/7934858290_e77e175a92_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3223.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8450/7934857872_9ab7b2e88a_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3205.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8458/7934857426_dbfa998d19_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3178.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8172/7927092430_8a72ac6c85_c.jpg 20120902-_PLH3397.jpg by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr
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