My (local) economy is fantastic too. Far from lazy or stupid, I've grossed more in the last 2 years than I ever have. Disposable income here we come! Allowed for a lot of "toys", and a lot of "giving back". (A Christian reference which I can only assume you are unfamiliar with) on Obamas watch. But I'm not stupid or naive enough to think that O'shithead's "I hate America" Obama had a damn thing to do with it. My hard work and perseverance, thank you. That's what gets us "angry old racist white guy's" so riled up. That we WORK for our outcome, while the leaches and "entitled" crowd can't see the "we're the government, were here to help you" bullshit spewed by the foreigner from Kenya. Truly amazed every time I get a "wake up call" and see just how many "Americans" are truly asleep at the wheel and have no fucking clue what is happening around them, as long as they get their EBT and Obamaphones "I miss America"