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Everything posted by idodishez

  1. This is what I do for a living. you will still get a great picture out of a rear projection set. Espeically the older CRT's. But everybody wants something they can hang on a wall, so these older but possibly better sets are going for very little $. Whatever you do, do NOT buy into the sale person hype at the box stores that LCD is the way to go. They suck. Plasma all the way if doing a flat screen, even they too are getting hard to get.
  2. Said they have seen as short as 3 weeks, as long as 10 weeks. We'll see:)
  3. Just picked up a Taurus .40 today that needs warranty repair. Getting ready to take it to the local gun shop to ship it for me. So am I really looking at 6 months?
  4. Same here. Which I was really suprised, because again, the sales rep talked the vent system up big time. "You wont be able to even tell you have it on". but again, it fits better than any other helmet I tired on.
  5. I see flat black and what looks like barb wire. So I'd prob wear it. I have a scorpion. Can't remember if it's a 400 or 700. Great fit, better than any others I tried on, w my big ears. But someone else mentioned heavy any noisy. My neck does get sore after a while, and it's not nearly as quiet or cool "temp" as the sales rep led me to believe. Definitely with the money though
  6. I got a ticket Saturday for 97 in a 65. Make it go away? Should I have run?
  7. I'm interested. Assuming they're not worth shipping? I'm in Springboro, on the s side of Dayton.
  8. Just now saw this. Crap! I definately am interested in getting my ccw. Watching this thread for the next round.
  9. Did that too when I rebuilt the carb. Seafoam? What is that? And would it still be needed w a carb rebuild having been done? This was all last summer/fall by the way. So no bad gas from this winter. Haven't even messed w it yet this year
  10. Not sure if this is the right forum. Mods feel free to move as needed. I have a '98 YZ250. Bought it running last summer, but was always hard to start. Occasionally wouldn't start at all. Did a carb rebuild, plug, etc last summer. Thought I had it fixed. Then it went back to no start at all, and I never could get it running after that. If I remember correctly, it had decent compression, but wouldn't swear to it. Took it to Vista, because I was tired of messing with it and don't have any 2 stroke experience. They say it needs a lower end rebuild due to low(er?) compression. Said there is bearing slop, and recommend a rebuilt crank, crank bearings, piston, and rod. Im still not quite sure I get the diagnosis, and crank bearings causing a no start condition. He explained that the inconsistency in the compression would cause a no start. I know you need compression to run, but given it had compression, (maybe low, not positive) and would run sometimes and not others, I don't quite get it. None the less, he swears that's what it needs. So, while I could do this myself, I dont have the time and i just want it ready to go for riding season. Anyone do repairs like this? I cant afford to pay full shop rates (Vista, Middletown Cycle, etc) so Im looking for either a small independent shop or an individual who does this on the side. Any takers?
  11. Installed and balanced a used front tire. All went great! Even bled front brakes while he was at it. One more thing I dont have to mess with. Thanks!
  12. Meant to ask you about that yesterday when I saw it sitting there, but spaced it. Looks almost like a toy. Need to read the entire thread when I'm not driving, looks interesting.
  13. Wow. Look what I started. Im replacing it, FWIW And that boy Im holding is now 17. The good old days. Now he might actually WANT me to ride w a bad tire:)
  14. I actually did search first, but all I found was thread w a You Tube video on Duct tape repair of a rear tire:) I'll replace it. Dont want to risk any issues at a buck fifty. Though the two times I have had a flat on front tires I couldnt tell visually. (It wasnt actually "flat") Just handled horribly:)
  15. Guess that is relevant given my signature line. Its the ZX10
  16. Have a small hole in my front tire. Dead center of the tread, not in the sidewall. How unsafe is it to repair verses replace the tire? Same as for a car? Or no? If repair is acceptable, patch only? (verses plug)
  17. I have an '03 TTR125 Ill sell. Needs major engine work. Rode it last srping with no clutch cable. The power shifting and slam shifting from a stop destroyed the motor. Some major shaft is broken, cant remember which one. If you're mechanically adept, make an offer. I also have (2) Kazuma quads. Ones a 5 speed 110cc. Ones a CVT 150cc. If interested.
  18. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=560997#post560997
  19. Got wrenches. Was an auto tech for 13 years. Dont have time. Also not up on 2 strokes. Sure i could grasp it, but that gets into even more time i dont have
  20. Huh? whats nikisil, and how do you know it needs replating?
  21. Bought a '98 YZ250 (2 stroke) a few weeks ago. Started fine when I test drove it, on 1st or second kick. Granted, I did feel like a big wuss as it definately took some jewels to kick it, but it did start. Got it home. Seemed to not run the smoothest. Kind of varies in PRM's even when not changing the throttle (cruising down the street at 25 or so for example) Would feel like it was bogging sometimes, then other times it would pop a wheelie w/o even really trying. Now, never having had a 2 stroke (other than a moped) I dont know how much of this is normal for a 2 stroke. Finally today, I couldn't get it started at all. I don't see this "decompression lever" that has been referenced in other threads. The choke consists of a 3/4" diameter or so thumbscrew that you open and close by turning. Never really noticed a difference in starting or running either way. Saw some other threads that made it seem like 2 strokes are much easier to start than 4 strokes. Well this is definately NOT an easy kick. Cant see my 16 y/o old son pulling this off by himself. So if I cant find a shop to work on it, what are some pointers on where to look first for these issues? Spark plug? Where else? Thanks
  22. Anyone know of a good shop or independent around the Dayton area who knows how to work on 2 strokes? My newly obtained '98 YZ250 doesn't run the best, is hard to start. Today I couldnt get it to start at all. I could probably figure it out for myself if I had the time, but I don't. I'm also in a time crunch and the sooner the better. Thanks
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