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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Chillicothe Fire and Security already had installed a system in our house when we bought it. So we kept the subscription and it seems to work great although we've never had a break in. Response time tho is slow around here. Neighbor has had his alarm go off randomly a few times and it takes about 20 minutes for the sheriff's to get here. But the alarm horn is loud as neck so sneaking in wouldn't work very well....and doing it at night, we'll they'd have a couple surprises in store for them....hehehe
  2. Can't be much heavier than my HJC open face. And my helmet lets in so much road noice its hard to hear the cardo over all the racket. Thanks recon, guess its looking like a trip to IP is in order. That Trilogy model of the N43E looks pretty nice too.
  3. I know a guy who was upper level govt surveillance who says the govt has had the 'eye in the sky' technology for a long freaking time. They can see a whole lot more than most of us would want known about our personal lives. Now they can tap our phones too.....the World Bank has had people over here marking coordinates for our city boundaries across the US and we know they already have coordinates for our residences. But they're pretty sketchy about why.
  4. Time to look at getting a new bucket. Anyone know about the Nolan N43E solid n-com helmets? I'd like to find a dealer nearby so I could try one on. With this cardo scala headset I am looking for a helmet that is quiet as well as protective.
  5. sent my resume in on the 23rd or so. Wonder when they will do the hiring?
  6. I like those sliders. Think I'll pick up a pair for me and one for the wife.
  7. Maybe they are and you don't know....cuz
  8. In Boston- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j2DH4we2H-A In Minneapolis-
  9. Wow..... All recent ops in southern states that filed petitions to secede. My big question is that if this is training for elite military forces to run urban based ops in other countries, why are local LEO's involved and being trained? Our cities are nothing like Iran. Our LEO's will never be in Iran. Add to that the 1500 Assault Weapons and stockpiling of ammo by DHS. If it quacks and all that. Seems to me the only plausible explanation is that they are training for a US Joint OP in American Southern Cities......??? No, not our govt....
  10. Just doesn't look too good to me. I saw a video of it going over a curb and the rim and spoke portion seems to contort to the shape of the curb it was going over. Still doesn't look like much cushion.
  11. While I hope this is true, look at the one thing that it appeared would never happen-legalized recreational pot. Another thing-govt legislated healthcare. So maybe this assault on assault rifles might not stick, it will not take many more massacres like Sandy Hook to occur before a national referendum on some sort of ban and restrictions, sticks, imho. And in that light I would not put it past our govt to 'help' this along.
  12. ONly time I carry on the bike is on a cross country trip. But the 23 is a tad too big for my vest gun pocket so am looking at changing.
  13. I was eating breakfast with my 10 yr old granddaughter when I asked her 'what day is tomorrow?' 'President's Day' she replied. She was a smart kid so I asked her 'What does President's day mean?' I was waiting on Washington or Lincoln something when she replied 'President's Day is when President Obama steps out of the White House, and if he sees his shadow we will have 4 more years of bullcrap.' You know it hurts when coffee spurts out of your nose!
  14. The 'detrimental' part is what we should be concerned with.
  15. http://patriotupdate.com/2013/01/the-big-list-of-who-hates-guns/#ixzz2JH7XWtoi
  16. All they used as a finish back then was linseed oil, wasn't it?
  17. I have heard many use concealment vests. But for you guys wearing one piece suits that won't work. I figured a crossdraw would work nicely but it wouldn't be very concealed and again with your gear it might not be the thing. It'll be interesting to hear what others say. One of these would be cool, but not concealed...
  18. Starting in NY: //www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/the-resistance-begins-new-york-gun-owners-refuse-to-register-largest-act-of-civil-disobedience-in-state-history_01252013/print/
  19. Well possibly, not sure many would do it tho. But think of this-retailers adding 3% to their markup to cover cc purchases, doesn't that really screw the people paying with cash? Kind of the opposite as the Aldi deal. And the interchange rate is based on a retailers volume, and if they can get into a group thing, like medical facilities, their rates can decrease. But what you are failing to realize is that they are only paying pennies on a cc transaction. And on that transaction they are most likely making 5% or more profit on the merchandise. When I was running a big truckstop store I had to run merchandise at a 50% markup. Then you pay withing 10 days and get an additional discount from the supplier. Or take 30 days to pay, use their money for the 30 and then pay the bill with the profits. Anyway you look at it, imho, this service fee thing is horsecrap. But if a retailer gives you a $40 dollar discount for paying cash yet it would only cost them $.03 as a cc transaction you are making out big time.
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