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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. What, I heard you were ordering one....
  2. The guys at OCC made an electric bike and the batteries and motor were obnoxiously huge making the bike equally heavy. Not your everyday scooter by any means.
  3. Quayle was a doozy....maybe worse than ol Joe, but neither one was worth their salt.
  4. ohiomike


    Once riding weather gets here....heck we can work most anything out.Btw, Welcome to OR! Whereabouts in Michigan are you from?
  5. That was deep. Take it all in. Sadly, it's the truth.
  6. cooter, check out this site. They have some BR players for like $50. 1saleaday.com
  7. Once the door is opened...like Pandora's box....
  8. a clogged arteries specialty....but man it sounds good!
  9. We bought our BR player for under a hundred, check for sales, seems I am always seeing them for good prices.
  10. As long as the msm keeps focusing on gun related incidents, and seeing now that the Brady bill bunch are starting to broadcast each and every one of them nationwide, this 'ban' bs is going to continue gaining momentum and could very well result in crap that responsible gun owners are going to be forced into swallowing. Might even end up being such a tightening of restrictions that only a very select few of us retain our guns, large or small, auto's or not, if any of us do.
  11. Dumbest thing.....uhhhh....too many to say which was the dumbest....lol
  12. Last DVD player we got was Blue Ray. Our TV is 1080 plasma so any HD on it is pretty awesome. The Super Bowl is just like being there without emptying the bank acct...lol Our DVD will play either BR or non BR dvd's, and I've noticed that with some movies the BR makes little diff in picture quality, but with some like the Marvel Avengers movie, or Battleship, movies with great special effects, it can really enhance all the action. Consider prices anymore have dropped for BR players I would bet a good one that will play BR or non BR discs, and then enjoy! just my $.02......
  13. Cool, that's a big help. I've got some parts off my old Kaw that need re chroming.
  14. Good to know. Now I'd like to find a shop that does good chroming work.
  15. Man, it just seems this winter time weather is beating the crap out of the region down there. So much damage and how its just continuing makes you wonder if they're going to get things all cleaned back up by riding season. Comparing costs between a ride to SD vs the Smokeys it was far cheaper going southward, but with this crap continuing down there this season might not be a good one for a Tenn ride, at least in or around the Smokeys, even as awesome as the area is. Man for the last couple of years the weather, overall, has sucked bigtime.
  16. Well just be careful delivering....it's not 'Leave it to Beaver' time anymore.
  17. a friend posted this on another board and I have to agree- Rings true....
  18. The mall in Boone, NC...... Holy Crap!
  19. 'sup fellow rider....Welcome to OR
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