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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. Boy, so much info keeps coming out, this making that sound incorrect.....but it seems way back near the beginning I remember it being said that while Brown had his hands up, he would not stop but continued advancing toward the officer.  I don't remember it being said whether he was walking or running, but he would not stop.  If in fact this was after the officer and he had been in an physical altercation, isn't his refusal to obey and stop (and I suppose, get down on the ground) enough justification for the officer to shoot Brown to make him stop advancing?

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  2. Over the years I have used Fuel Oil, natural gas and propane.  If pricing and availability were equal, its a no brainer for me...Natural gas.  Its cleaner burning,  and I have found you get a better displacement of heat.  Propane would be my next choice, then fuel oil.  With LP I have found there to be cold spots in the house.  Fuel oils works fine, but its a dirtier fuel to deal with all around.  Down here Propane is far cheaper than ng, and ng is not available where we live, so LP it is.  No experience with electric heat, but when we were looking for a house here several homes had electric heat, and the feedback I got was not good.

  3. Legally the robbery is largely irrelevant other than the fact that it adds to the reasons for Brown to struggle to get away. Just robbed a store a cop I'd coming back to confront you? Fight or Flight kicks in real fast.

    Yep, no direct bearing, but it could help explain his demeanor at the time, something worth noting imho.

  4. To help us possibly realize the type of person Brown was, he was filmed just prior to the shooting having robbed a small store where he shoved the store owner aside when confronted at the door with the stolen items.  He also is said to have quite a police record along those lines.  Although it has no bearing on the shooting, it does reflect his tendencies and responses to 'being caught'.


    Aboiut the FPD being a bit heavy handed with black's, Ferguson is said to be 67.4% black and the PD is predominantly white.  It stands to reason with the majority of the population being black there is going to be an inordinate number of blacks involved in criminal activity as well as a small white PD probably feeling quite outnumbered.  While it should not make a difference, I'm sure it plays into these claims from a psychological point.

  5. My uncle lives in Mo., but nowhere close to the shooting.  But he says he is hearing, and actually believes, that this kid was also shot by someone other than the Leo.  Have they done ballistics tests to prove where (which weapon) each bullet in Brown came from?

  6. You're probably right,and where does that leave us...we desperately need to get rid of the two party system.They are just two sides of the same coin.

    Absolutely.  Campaign reform should have occurred before healthcare reform, imho.  But problem is, the people needing to make those changes are the ones who are going to lose benefits.....the politicians.

  7. I haven't heard anyone here mention what effect adrenaline has on either of the people.  Once its amped up, it can cause either to do extraordinary things. LIke a person being shot repeatedly and continuing to run, or a shooter so amped up that he'she cannot come down enough to make a consciously smart decision, like feeling threatened by an upclose and in your face fight (for your life) then having the other party take off running while you are still trying to get your shit together.  Training or not, when this happens the mind takes over and can cause all sorts of actions to occur, strange as they may be.


    Another thing I have wondered.  Was there ever an established crime scene investigation or was the area compromised because of the emotional responses of bystanders and the like?  I cannot imagine having to try and reconstruct a scene like this so it can be critically drawn out to establish what really happened, step by step.

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  8. I heard a tape where witness's to the shooting were saying he (Brown) had his hands up but would not stop and drop when the officer continually kept ordering him to do so.  Instead the kid kept moving forward toward the officer.  If this did happen I would take it this was considered to be threatening and since he was not going down with any of the shots that was also considered threatening.  So the officer kept firing.

  9. I cannot say enough good about the wife's Camry XLE.  4cyl with lots of power and on a recent trip to Traverse City it got 37 mpg running at 80!  Heated leather seats, great stereo, bluetooth, traction control, 6 spd auto, sunroof..  

  10. Yes we did.This was an epic Bush fuck up and the reason you should never vote for a republican!

    We will be paying for his stupidity for decades.

    And Obama is the reason why you should never vote for a democrat!  We will be paying for his bs for decades!

    • Upvote 1
  11. I don't necessarily agree with hunting Al Baghdadi, I'm waiting for the media to portray him as the next terrorist to go after, along with their religious war oriented rants.

    One has to wonder if we need to let ISIS form a true state, in one location, under a flag, after they've driven out or killed those not like them, just so we finally have a localized and concentrated target to annihilate.

  12. But we mustn't speak ill of unions...



    This goes far beyond 'unionism'.  Police have a Blue Line and no one breaks that.  Imho it goes far deeper than any union membership and can impact 'having ones back'.  Road patrol Leos have it a bit different, but the 'grunts' need their partners knowing that when shtf their partner had their back.  Its life or death quite often.  Cross the Line and you might end up like

     Chris Dorner.

  13. Many many people predicted this type of thing would happen by taking Hussein out.

    When will the US learn to stay out of other countries business. We (the US) cannot expect the world to be like us, or even believe in the same lifestyle. Some are happy being in a life we would call primitive.

  14. I've had my Harley up over 100 and with a shield it was tolerable.....lol.....actually runs best at about 85, but back in the 70's I went fastest on a bike.  Borrowed a buddies Suzuki 4 cylinder and (stupidly) with no glasses or goggles rode that until I pegged it at somewhere over 120.....   I'm betting tho with the new sportbikes and how they are more aerodynamic with bigger motors, going as fast as some of you have, the handling is a lot better.

  15. Our 'involvement' with foreign countries and their actions within their borders has put in a place where we are forced to choose which enemy we would rather side with.  Crazy.....

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