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Posts posted by ohiomike

  1. HaHa, no hate here....lol


    Its not even like 'to each his own; but rather `if you don't ride what we ride your shit sucks'.  You all prove my point repeatedly, and thats just plain a bullshit attitude whether you ride one brand or the other.


    And don't go and say its just all playing around, many of you know you're in full hate mode.

  2. "The Ohio House voted 11 months ago for a bill that would ban municipalities from using red-light and speed cameras except for limited use in school zones. But with concerns that the bill could violate constitutionally protected “home rule,” Sen. Bill Seitz, R-Cincinnati, crafted an alternative that would allow use of the cameras only when a police officer is present at the intersection."  http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/05/28/cities-fight-to-save-red-light-cameras.html


    Seems I read the latter- " allow use of the cameras only when a police officer is present at the intersection." passed into law not too long ago.  It was also said that cameras were going to come down because it was not feasible to put a Leo at every camera site.

  3. I watched some TV about the Kennedy admin, in particular the Bay of Pigs and the failed invasion......unbelievable how much politics has changed, how far from the center the democratic party, and oh yes the republican party as well, has moved further left.


    I love this quote-"Victory has 100 fathers, defeat is an orphan"- 1961 press conference about his admittance of fault over the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.The CIA had more to do with the whole failure, but a leader stood before the world and took the heat.  The next day Kennedy's ratings with the public shot up to over a 90% approval rating.


    Too bad leaders today don't do the same.  If they did maybe their approval ratings would be higher than their disapproval numbers and things would be different.

  4. Wow, the new bikes have tire pressure sensors, didn't know that..


    Just to get to a shop, I might try that if its not too far. But only after making darned sure there was no leak and the patch was holding all around the edges.  I keep going back to the fact that you only have 2 tires and if one goes out you're in serious trouble.

  5. Cumberland Falls is awesome, but I heard last year it nearly dried up.  After all our spring storms though I'm sure its full and flowing.


    This was taken back in '04 or so....




    Time is getting close for y'all......hoping for great weather and a safe ride for one and all.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Anyone that says they dont like Harleys or cruisers are gay and jealous lol  :crazy:

    Glutton for punishment are ya?   LOL


    Steve, sounds like it must have been a runner.  Big motor, light car spells fast.  I'd love to pick up an old 427 SOHC Ford big block, but those babies are like gold.....and cost about the same...lol.

  7. What year Mustang?  My fastest motor was in a '71 Z28 but my favorite car was an old 68 Z.  That was the most fun.


    I like those new Mustangs, one sweet ride.  IN the commercials they have a slight Viper look, that sleek low look.  Pretty awesome.

  8. Strange.....because that is one thing that annoys me above all else. Nothing worse than enjoying a tranquil quiet ride on the BRP or the Cherohala skyway "hell anywhere for that matter", and then it is violently interrupted by a gaggle of blatantly loud hogs or similar machines. I cannot even sit on my patio and enjoy a quiet evening, once again it is loud ass cruisers and baggers I constantly hear in the background. :(

    You see, its all about what we each like.  Nothing wrong with that.


    I had a great running Yamaha Enduro back in the day, 2 stroke, loved it.  It had a particular sound that I used to love.  Not so much anymore.  I hear lots of sportsbikes running with different exhausts and many I could not stand and if they were my bike I'd try to change that.  But if the guy likes how his bikes sounds, cool with me.  


    I built and ran small block chevy's, raced them,  loved how they sounded.  Big cams made them lope and I realized when I got my Harley it kind of reminds me of that sound when at idle.  But I'm not into all the loudness myself.  Even my bike at 70-80 mph nearly drives me batty and my ears can't take it, so its ear plug time.  At slower speeds my bikes not that loud, but those asshats running straight pipes, or trying to be able to wake the dead are helping bring everyone down on all bikers.  Like I said, there are asshats on all kinds of bikes.  I hate riding with people when I can't even hear my bike running because theirs is so freaking loud.


    Think a Harley or any bike can be loud, try driving a 1/4 in a 500+ hp car with open headers!  Its no wonder I've lost substantial hearing....lol.

  9. Yep, its not the bike....its the rider in the saddle.  Some like fast n tight, some like slow and easy.  Plus some of us just can't physically twist themselves up to fit on some of those fast sports bikes.  I know I can't......tried it, and yeh, the bike was really quick, but not fun... hate painlol...heck, if they would have had them when I was a young man I would have been on one.


    Anyway, this is way more than I have said here in ages.....


    You all have a great Memorial Day weekend and ride safe!

  10. Tried it via ebay online, wouldn't work, so I called them.  After about a 15 min wait, the guy online tried to make it work, said I should try later because they were experiencing heavy volume and maybe thats why ti wouldn't accept my new pw....lol don't ya just love it...lol

  11. Heard and experienced rider bashing some new ones and it got me to thinking. After 45 years in the saddle, if I was sitting on a barstool next to you here is what I would tell you:

    1. Glad you took up riding! Changed my life way back when and hope you get a passion for it too.

    2. Forget the image thing. Popular culture is kind of like music you know. From swing to twist to disco to pop to whatever the hell you kids do these days! A rider in Boot Hill Saloon on Main Street in 1975 would probably be incarcerated pretty quickly today. In the old days, if you rode a Harley in the wrong part of town, you were an automatic hoodlum. Now most Harley customers probably live in better sections of towns to be able to afford them.

    3. Get great gear that lasts. It will be cheaper and more functional in the long run. A great leather jacket that will last you 40 years is worth $600. If it serves a purpose, wear it. If it doesn't, its extra gear to carry.

    4. Its ok to be an idiot. We've all been there. Just learn to be safe. If you want to sit at a stop light and blip your throttle, you'll get over it eventually. Of course, these days you might get a ticket.

    5. It’s not a horsepower competition. Unless you've really been taught, your ability will never come close to matching a newer bikes capability. So don't waste your money on "mods" unless something really bugs you.

    6. Last, go on road trips. Longer the better. I don't mean on a trailer. Become a motorcycle enthusiast. The road is really what being a biker is about. New places, new roads, new friends. Won’t matter if they ride Bmw, Honda or Harley. People who ride for the road appreciate motorcycles regardless of the brand and will strike up friendships and share experiences.


    Well said.  Its not -what- you ride, but that you ride.  I cannot stand the bashing, either way.  Riles me quickly.  I read what is said here on OR about Harley's and their riders, and I read whats said about sportsbike riders over on a Harley site I go to and it sickens me.  There are total tools both places and there I light into them defending sportbike riders.  But the difference is here the bashing continues and I believe with a many its a serious feeling but on the other site most HD riders will admit its all about just getting out and riding so, here,  I just let the bashing fly without getting involved.  Why bother? That's too bad because for those of us who just love to ride there is enough to be wary of.  All those 4 wheelers don't pick and choose who they cut off, who they fail to yield to or who they just plain disregard on the road yet the hatred some like to toss out about 'the other style' of bike is ridiculous and unnecessary, imho.

    • Upvote 3
  12. When I added my cig plug I just ran a hot wire straight from the battery pos post with an inline fuse between the battery and the switch.  A grd wire to the lights from the ground post on the bike.  You can use a smaller amp. fuse because the draw, like mags said, is at a minimal, but if something goes haywire with the plug it will blow the fuse before effecting the elect system of the bike whether its lights or whatever.  Usually the wire size is around 18 awg so a 5 or 7 amp fuse is what I have been using with no problems.

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