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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Like this... Its crap quality but it took me 5 seconds http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/4/5/9/f_PissedOffm_dd1c238.jpg
  2. From a good distance, but yes it would be awsome to see the cloud of smoke/ash has to be awww taking.
  3. Rhett

    Hooters on polaris

    Buy the SRT4 off ya how much, I need a DD.
  4. I rockin the same phone or its the 8830, but it looks the same. A camera would be nice. But then again I always have my Sony digi with me. +1 For BB being a "Mature Buisness" phone
  5. Yea, Saudi Is a joke. but we go out every once and a while when were In Iraq. But yea we do have it easy and our girls are pretty hot... btw we have three pools, 2 hot tubs here and a co-ed steam room :woowoo: I FUCKING LOVE THE AIR FORCE!!!!! OHH-RAW
  6. Rhett

    Hooters on polaris

    MRhotswaps, I like what ya did with the gay pride joke 04SRTurbo, when you fixing your car... dont be like the rest of the ricers rolling around with all fuckered up motors still trying to race:D
  7. that all sounded good except for the dead baby thing othere than that.. right on..... J/K.... some one didnt love him as a child
  8. that is only true 33.33333333% of the time tho!
  9. As stupid as about 8-20% of the people on here. lol
  10. my bad, Westerners is correct.. its been a LONG day and a long 6 months
  11. What is the iTOUCH then? isn't that a touch screen Ipod that also has enternet capabilities??? J/W.
  12. They hate us cause we fuck bitches for fun. while they got some guys dick in there ass. Im so glad to be American or "Eastern" as they call us... we dont even get called Americans most of the time.
  13. Thanks Beast, saved me from looking it up later... that is pretty much what I was going for. Maybe with the kind of car/mods thrown in there with it. but this is good, thanks
  14. Is this in the game or just a gay photochop?
  15. Rhett

    Headunit done?

    Just tryin, good luck on finding the prob.
  16. I thought I would thow it out there. LOL glad you like it.
  17. Rhett

    Headunit done?

    I had this once b4, Is the Power ran to the Amp on the same side of the car as the RCA's... I dont know how but this can effect it sometimes... I learned this from Mike when Import Xtremes was alive.
  18. Do you athink he will get the same treatment ass if any of us did this? 5 years probation and 500+ hrs comunitty service? what do you all think we would get.
  19. No we heard it and thought it was a rumor so we asked one of the Middle eastern guys about it. And he was telling us about it.. I wanted to throw up.
  20. Yea when you see a Middle eastern male over here with a smile on his face... I always wonder did he just get some good butt-sechs?
  21. There needs also to be "mommy and daddy's car" class too for the people not working for there shit. I hate that. I would be in the "Rustang Class"
  22. :NOTE TO SELF: Hire Hookers for funeral to say they will miss my Sex!! Thanx for the great Idea... I love it.
  23. $1million and Im yours for the day. lol We had this topic brought up here in Saudi a couple of weeks ago at work. It came up because here in Saudi the guys have sex with eachother for fun (and they dont consider it to be gay). They have sex with eachother because sex with a woman isnt for fun, only for making babies.... wow
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