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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Congrats... I may need some welding while I am in this summer, Mike Did ya get my PM?
  2. Any body have befor and after pics of engine bay, Mine looks like ass.... the guy who had it befor me never once cleaned the motor. And after It gets painted I will be down for a full detail befor I get home.
  3. I would go with a Cobra, I wish I would have Waited till after this Deployment and got a 03/04... But I will be doing a Year In Germany in 09 so I will be buying a older Z06 and Puting the rest down on a house.
  4. Depends On how much Power I end up puting down... I dont want to blow my rear end, But if I put a new rear in a dig will be fine. But you got to give me till July, Cause I am not in the states right now and cant drop the motor til june.
  5. Race Linn, its just a stock maro, You should walk away after about 90mph. I would, fuck race him for $100 and buy some hard pipes! Welcome!
  6. Like a pair of new Nike sneekers..... Untill it is fixed lol. Welcome, KnownStreetRacer that I do not know....
  7. In July after I get the motor droped and tuned Me=Spray Linn=n/a Heads up I get the hit. 40-120 For $20 I want to race you for my first race on my new set up.... why, I may loose but fuck it it should be fun! -Rhett
  8. "hello?" "HI" "Am I on the air?" "Yep" "FUCK!!!"" Great find!
  9. Sounds like a blast.... I hate not being home... feel like I am missing so much... oh well this money is going towards my car soo i can hopefully put down some nasty numbers this year.
  10. Good looking jeep, GL on Sale!
  11. I sold cars for a while... Tell them about your trade after the final offer, Cause you will fuck their system all up.... But they wil prob give you less for your trade you wont really win. Check NADA.com for your car value and go off that. Kelly blue book is based out of Cali, and there cars are worth more than here due to us having salt, more rust ect. So if you base your car off of Blue Book standards you wont be happy. But this is just what I know. good luck.
  12. Rhett

    need a cool boat?

    Im not a boat guy... but it looks ok. Just dosnt make me say " man I wish I had that"
  13. Nice video.... But what were the winning numbers?
  14. Nice Video shure looks like the GTII that was out last year, I only saw it once but I did get the video of it racing the New Orange Z06! Oh well here is a pic.... http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/PorscheGTII.jpg
  15. Logitech Is a great company, I would get it if your trying to spend little money.
  16. I was reading Lawnman's Helmet post.... And got to thinking.... If wearing a Full Face Helmet while driving a car equiped with air bags and the worst happend and you wreck and the bag deploys could that be bad.... For your neck the way it could spin the helmet? Just Curious.... Maybe a open face be safer????
  17. Was cloverfeild a zombie movie, any good? .... I saw the the teaser trailers, then got deployed so I havnt seen it yet.
  18. good luck with the sell and with ebay
  19. LOL Is the motor not all there??? I cant tell pic is kind of dark
  20. YAY FOR BOOBIES! Nice find!
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