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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Looks great I like the Phoneix on the hood, Welcome. Do you live off Taylor between Main and Palmer... I think I have seen yor car there a few times.
  2. Rhett

    Oh Phillip

    LOL... So the Z28 for the win.
  3. Im Pissed I have to miss this....... But Good Luck to every one going. Cant wait to hear the stories or see pics/vids. Be safe!
  4. I was origionaly going to build my motor first... But I am going to wait till after I get back from My tour of Germany in 09 to build the motor, So this summer I am going to build the Suspension and rear end in preperation for a new motor. So my question is what is a good shop to go to for this? What I am looking to have done is have a tubular K-member installed and the rear end built (New LSD, 31 Spline axles, and a gear installed) who Is the best place to go to for this, and whatr can I expect in price for the install? Thanks, Rhett
  5. Rhett

    Oh Phillip

    What Is done to the cars in question? MGD 5.0 With what? SoSlo5o- exhaust, is that it? 5.0 Stock = 14.5-14.9 Z28 Stock = 13.7-14.1 But what is done to the cars???
  6. +1 So when I go home and go to Panera and get some soda, Am I going to see a "I have a fat pussy" joke and it be a picture of a lard of a cat? Fuck you go away for 6 months and shit goes crazy.... First the blitz and now this!
  7. Rhett

    Heyyy CR

    .... Im clueless.... Im glad I am not a stalker cause I would suck at it!
  8. I like the "How much boost to get your Honda to 400hp" And it starts you off with 170-whatever hp lol.
  9. Funny shit.... I dont know which one is better this or the "Will it "mae" it thread" LOL fucking hillarious
  10. That is awsome! You have made my f'ing day!
  11. Paul.... Fix your shit yet? Yoda?
  12. Rhett

    Heyyy CR

    --- I asked for the pics of you and your car, But if you dont have them thats cool. Just post some of you.
  13. Boy I miss skating, i haven't Skated since I got my drivers Ls. Ill have my girl go threm my shit see if she can find my board for ya, If she finds it its yours.
  14. Im scared of Vista... Ive been using XP since it came out, I got on my cuz's vista and was completly confuzzled, I am like a scared chimpmunk, scared of nething new.
  15. Ummmmm.... No I thought the term "Murderd out" meant making every thing black besides the paint.... If its black on black on black on black I would call it gothic. And my car isn't silver. its a Pewter (<- Spelling????) http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/Waiting.jpg
  16. Sorry Paul but that is funny, "MMmmMM, SRT-4 Fastest In columbus I have"- Paul "Yoda"
  17. Toyota, Mazda, Mitsu have had out 4cyl turbo d's or trucks like this for awhil, they use them in the middle east (yes the middle east where gas is like $1.25 USD) I'll try to get a picture of them on here shortly, they have them all over the base and out side.
  18. Was searching around the web and found this.... Dont know what ya'll think. Thought it was a decent find for some one trying to go the broke way of guesstimating the whp or track times. Well here ya go. http://www.tunercalcs.com/hp-from-quarter-mile-trap-speed.html :: Mods dont know where this should have went, move to right area please.
  19. Rhett

    New Guy......

    Welcome, Nice teg. Ever ran it at a strip?
  20. Rhett

    Heyyy CR

    Welcome... Any pics? Of you and the car?
  21. Thats fine take your time as long as I have My car stuff done by July 2 Im happy.
  22. PM me with your Supercharge Idea... and what I would be looking at with it, if ya have time. -Rhett
  23. Rhett

    gun control?

    Guns Arnt the problem, Its these want to be gang bangers, mother fuckers walking around with 3k in their pocket from selling crak and are geting our tax dollars in welfare checks monthly. They are the damn problem. Guns they are safe I carry two on me every Day, A M4 and a M9 pistol. I have never once hurt any one with one not intending too, never have I had a accidental(spelling???) discarge. I carry the pistol with a round in the chamber on fire, the only saftey that matters is your finger, If i dont pull the trigger it aint going off. POint being the problem dosn't lay in the gun, The problem is who is control of the weapon./End Thread
  24. Sent ya a copy of one, Thanks for working with me, Let me know if you think the build is a bad Idea or if you have a better Idea for my budget.
  25. Welcome, I meet ya last year I think, so yea.... welcome.
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