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Everything posted by Kritz

  1. I guess the New York Times is wrong thenhttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/26/business/economy/26earnings.html
  2. Look at the mess Suzuki is in. http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2009/11/no-2010-suzukis-planned/
  3. HD just got a huge concession from its Milwaukee employees(7-year wage freeze) and a 25 million dollar tax break from the state. On top of this they set record profits for the first 2 quarters of this year despite a 30+% drop in sales numbers. I think they'll be OK.
  4. Someday old age will make you buy a cruiser:p
  5. Tassels seem to be the least of this clowns problems.
  6. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=975_1283799588
  7. JRM is slipping. It took him 4 whole minutes to respond. He nailed my re-post in 2 minutes.
  8. What kind of times are you running with the MAX?
  9. Public masturbation was getting old so i switched to lol cats.
  10. I might take you up on that.
  11. That's the most damaged bike I've ever seen. RIP.
  12. They are our single largest supplier but the bulk of our oil comes from other countries.
  13. Although i agree, that would be a huge mess.
  14. That's neat. I like the velocity stacks sticking out the top.
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