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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Hmmmm. Would that be the scooter in the room.... Who knows
  2. They were probably stoned off their azz
  3. Last video hope this help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf90HpbLpAY Now back to Glock Haters Thread
  4. I just put a video up for you^^^
  5. Fast-forward to time code 4:47 Hope that helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_QbEWBxGR8
  6. My bad did not see power in the thread. It the thought that counts.....
  7. Here try this I believe you need a 5/8 punch to get the pin out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiZqLKehQOU
  8. My intentions are not to bash Apple but to inform on the security changes they are doing to keep people out. My last iPod I've had for 2.5 years. My computer labs were apples. So yes, I've tried other Apple products beside iPod's
  9. Bought my Hi-Point there their price $149.99 my price $129.99 . Good deal still.
  10. Sounds good don't know much about glocks, when you plan on going back to NASR. Gonna get a year membership this Friday.
  11. Agreed, Apple's ok their not the greatest but ok. I won't buy one of their computers only iPods. Which I'm trying to buy right now. Sucks how they package their products for insane prices. Last iPod lasted 2.5 years then went to shit . Too much of a hassle to fix a battery or upgrade memory which means you need to buy a bigger one literal.
  12. That was a weird episode.... but funny like always
  13. Try this one, the analogy was used on some sites as a reference of not being able to see the goods. http://www.fastcompany.com/1719537/the-pentalobe-screw-and-apples-war-against-self-repair?partner=rss
  14. Be nice to have one of each for when the Zombie's attack. Also ammo is gonna rape ya also.
  15. Yea, I've seen them going for $7 already. Apple just like to make things harder for themselves.
  16. As if owning an Apple wasn't hard enough. They are now making it harder for people to look at what under the "hood" so thay have introduced a Pentalobe screw which is somewhat like a star security screw. Only so much you can take and they keep pushing the envelope. http://toptodaynews.com/pentalobe-screwdriver-apple-new-screws/
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