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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. Yea, hear ya on that one. I hate it when people tell me how I spend my money on things considered to them as stupid or why did I buy this?
  2. Yea, every tween has a record deal and some type of show or movie in the works or both its sickening. Hell what ever happened to Pete and Pete?
  3. by being single or having someone to split the bill with? That's cool, what you looking to upgrade to? Renter insurance can't go wrong with it.
  4. Me an Integra I'm a Accord man
  5. Well if you haven't heard the news Bieber has a movie coming out next month. Nuff said on the issue http://www.justinbieberneversaynever.com/?gclid=CLm6_NS3zKYCFQQ65QodsSZJJQ
  6. In a perfect world we'd still need to put that up for debate......
  7. That's still a long time no matter what methods were used to keep the funk from emerging.
  8. what with the hate on the kat?
  9. Jst2fst

    12 Gauge 14+1

    Cool idea but not for the masses on the price. $880 is a bit steep
  10. Chevy let's get it started....
  11. I just bought a hi point for a first gun. I love it its a decent gun for the price. Check out my range report on the hi point. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=71476
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