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Everything posted by Jst2fst

  1. its already bad enough. Just adding fuel to the fire
  2. Nice find as always Casper, btw you ever get you free tire gauge yet?
  3. I'm not going to the show but I'm pretty sure I can find some old phones at my moms house for the guys.
  4. Sounds like a plan, but also some of the heaters use a lot of electricity to run in the winter . Summers are gonna suck with out central air.
  5. Welcome to OR, you will have an answer within the hour for sure.
  6. Don't know, never crashed mine. (knock on wood)
  7. Ok I see just don't crash the Kat
  8. That's sick, always wanted to ride a snowmobile
  9. It shows, OCC would of just put on too much chrome to hide the blemishes...
  10. This sums up how we all feel right now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB-WwoKDSxA
  11. Gives it a don't f with me look....
  12. That's pathetic.... Man card revoked
  13. Jst2fst

    Ice ready

    Might have to try out sometime [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB-WwoKDSxA][/ame]
  14. Jst2fst

    Ice ready

    Yea, I missed the pic's
  15. You know what I mean, jeans are ok to do the. Nothing else
  16. Yes, the smell test we all do it. I agree with that part. Just leery about the rest but oh well.
  17. Jst2fst

    Ice ready

    Ok, ya got me. Never thought that someone would try it on a sportbike.
  18. Jst2fst

    Ice ready

    Ok, sweet vid's. Let us know how it turns out...
  19. I've done the same as well. What I'm saying is the guy probably only wore them for lets say five hours at a time in a lab I'm assuming pretty clean conditions and not much physical labor.
  20. Jst2fst

    Ice ready

    I hope your not serious
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