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Everything posted by Habi

  1. Habi

    Ringo ride 5-20-2011

    Or Brent, LOL. He will come looking for me!
  2. Habi

    Ringo ride 5-20-2011

    This is not true. Ask Tim, I slow them down like no tomorrow
  3. Habi

    Ringo ride 5-20-2011

    Nevermind, not fast enough for this one.
  4. Habi

    KY ride???

    I will be on this ride as well.
  5. Hope the weather is holding out for you guys. I will be looking forward to some nice pics!
  6. Habi


    join in the fun. Hope to see you on some rides this summer! Welcome to OR!
  7. Habi

    Ride 5/11

    Who all actually made it up. I saw quite a few sports bikes rolling around but other than jst2fst no one I had met before. Not exactly what I would call a great time. I would rather go riding. However they are doing pit bike races next week which would be pretty fun to watch!
  8. Habi

    Ride 5/11

    hmmmm..... may make it up.
  9. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    Tomorrow is looking awesome (as long as channel ten is correct).
  10. Waiting for the CL poster to join OR like previous SV1000 owner to chat about this thread.
  11. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    Not a bad ride and not too awful far which will probably make it a good weekday spot for me. Been a while since I had been down 664 but its in pretty good shape except for one small section.
  12. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    off to 664 i suppose
  13. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    lol It would take forever to get to 79 from lane right now.
  14. hmmmm.....I suppose if I were going to use a tool to do that those would have to be the right ones. Doesn't sound nice though.
  15. You get him drunk and get some strippers
  16. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    79 is quite a change of plans but post up if you do.
  17. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    This is a good time.
  18. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    Same here but I don't want to ride 270.
  19. Habi

    Ride Today 5/9

    Nothing serious huh? Anyone going out for some decent roads later?
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