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Everything posted by scottie.harris

  1. always disliked them myself, thought headlights looked funny. Also the harley davidson glides with the huge front fairing.
  2. i agree with you on that, they really are all good rifles. however i prefer the 700 for the large market that backs it.
  3. Remington 700- big market for them, reliable, accurate, and have wonderful triggers(mines the new xmark trigger).
  4. Me as well, sad that its still cheaper to buy new from a dealer.
  5. My wife mentioned this yesterday, wonder if they will taste the same.
  6. I pledge allegiance to our criminal government, and to the lobbyists for which it serves. One divided nation, under the media brainwashing machine, owned by the corrupted elites & banksters, with slavery and surveillance for all. Thats awesome, rep to you sir...
  7. If you werent set on 9mm id say Walther PPK... i want one but ive got other things i need more.
  8. The hypermotard and hyperstrada are odd ill give it that, but i still want one The rest of my family was in shock when i showed them thats what i wanted for my next bike.
  9. It dont look bad till you get to the front and headlights, they just look like the hunchback of notre dame's face...
  10. funny but true... yet i still find it somewhat attractive as long as you dont look at it head on.
  11. i have a cm40, but in my opinion is to big for pocket carry. Unless we are talking about a hoody pocket, it would be a pain to pull out if needed. Im planning on picking up a keltec pf9 or p11 for this reason.
  12. yea the panigale is the bike that i always hear people admiring, i wouldnt say its got the number one ugly spot on my list, just that its always popping up.
  13. Ever seen one of those bikes that was just godawful ugly to you and just always seemed to pop up? Yet you dont want to simply interupt a thread just to say "WOW THATS UGLY AS HELL", Im having a one of those moments right now... So I created this thread for that purpose. Disclaimer:This thread was not intended to make anyone butthurt. What makes my eyes hurt? Ducati Panigale 1199... sounds great but god if Medusa needed a bike as ugly as she is, this is it.
  14. I go there often, they are a little higher on their prices, but they have a big bike selection. They have decent selection of jackets, helmets, gloves, ect. but if you are planning to shop for gear iron pony is better. The staff are very helpful and friendly, and they use "attractive" women to sell gear. I havent had experience with their service department though.
  15. these are about ten minutes from me, yet ive never stopped in. i use to go by them daily due to the twisty roads around like gunner said.
  16. Awesome, hopefully we wont need this much longer though. Im getting low on .40 and thats the one i dont see.
  17. Id rather look innocent until provoked. I wouldnt mind one if they had one for my daughter though.
  18. Sweet, found a way to make your own starbucks coffee-10 cups coffee 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup vanilla creamer.
  19. This... I was there with the wife and it caught my eye. I was thinking about it for the wife until i seen that price tag. Salesmen has sold my family over 8 bikes and he came straight out that an employee tracked it and that it was beyond overpriced.
  20. Competition Accessories is about 20 minutes away from me so not far, im hoping i get my hands on it before someone else does.
  21. Since you own a new ducati i figured id ask you, is there a "first maintenance visit" before the 18,000 check up? (Not sure if this is the same with the multi)
  22. I somewhat agree, but there isnt really anything to compare it to other than the aprilia dorsoduro which is got a higher seat high(im short) and similar price tag. EDIT: Im also not getting the SP version.
  23. Im headed to competition this friday to attempt to buy the only one they are getting in. Im 5'7 so it fits me fairly well.
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