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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Damn. Nice results especially on your bike but Ill still pass you at JGP
  2. So did you buy it or trying to flip it? http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2821106722.html
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g1CgvXhCo4&ob=av3e
  4. You guys talking about these http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=8412 These are better than q2s?
  5. Dont leave out that youll be staying with a bunch of guys you dont know and met on the internet DVR'd watch in the morning when I get home.
  6. Bump. Will be in Cleveland 1/28-29 for the show. Will deliver/meet up if anyone is interested.
  7. Thanks Bad. Bump. Will be in Cleveland for the show and will meet up/deliver.
  8. Just plan for the first moto series day. Maybe the guys can get the day discounted like last year. Even if it's raining it's a good experience and builds confidence riding in the rain. Jinu worked with me on. Just talk to one of them and get in there group and at the end of the day get a tow from them. Lot of OR guys at motoseries so I think that's a good place for first track day.
  9. Wow this helmet is saweet. Wish I had the extra money.
  10. Mykill

    Who was it?

    Well used to be but squids didnt exist then or the term anyways...The fact he is on a CBR negates any squidlyness anyways... Currently however.... CBR>GSXR
  11. Mykill

    Who was it?

    In Bads defense it was also on the "when i was 17" show that MTV had on. He talks about having it and they talked about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu3nCtfA-LQ at 3 minutes
  12. http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75590&page=1 Looks like you started it...you can always go back and look at the threads you created.
  13. Good to hear. Want to buy your old fairings back ?
  14. I have the same problem in finding shirts long enough and shit in my pockets. I manage now but I really need to get a good gun belt and holster to help me out. I had a Sigma and currently own a M&P. Spend the little bit extra now and get the M&P. Its a much better gun. Ive had that gun since it came out and have zero complaints or issues.
  15. Welcome fader. I think we spoke on 600rr.net. Glad you made it over. Talk to Jbot, apcH8er, or blue03636 and a few others that ran Nelsons and beaver last year or post up on the trackday section.
  16. Its not till June so hit up some group rides early in the year or make it a point to venture out to the twisties on your own. Youll still have a blast no matter what. Bad, Im interested in the 3-400 mile days you guys got planned. I want to get around and explore more of the area.
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