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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 36 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

    I am a definite no for this year guys. Between home remodeling and another ride already committed to I can't find the time for this event this year.


    Have fun everyone. 

    Damn! maybe next time brotha

  2. 7 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:


    I was Wondering if we were having some issues which I never realized. 


    I can tell you I'm 100% sure that wasn't the case before your post. 

  3. I'm ready!!!! Everything is loaded and just need to mow the yard tomorrow. I am indeed bringing the Connie and will be headed to the Outerbanks sunday after check out. 

    This is my final thing to finish my trip prep...



    • Upvote 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, NinjaDoc said:

    My friend Danimal, it seems like all you do when logging in from remote parts of the world is to post a genuine update about your trip and to just shit on everything I post or just generally poke fun of something silly. I don’t know what I have done to you and honestly at this point I don’t care. I am not perfect and I am just an average rider who probably doesn’t measure up to the globe trotting skills of yours. So brother with all due respect just let me be. 

    I can guarantee Dan never post ANYTHING with any malicious intent. We all dish out a lot of sarcasm and stick poking around here to each other. NOONE is an exception. I bet if you search the term "thick skin" on O.R. you will find hundreds of entries that you have to have it to be on here.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Tonik said:

    I don't get Wednesdays forecast, for example Charleston WV. It shows an 85 percent chance of thunderstorms. But if you look at the morning forecast it is 55 percent, afternoon 60 percent evening 50 percent. How does that add up to 85 percent?

    Fuck the weatherman.

    Yea that totally adds up to 165% chance. What are they thinking :rolleyes:


    • Haha 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, durk said:

    If the forecast does not come around I may bail on this trip. I have lots of vacation days coming that I can use on better days than what they’re forecasting right now. 

    Its the same forcast every year down there. It's the mountains. It rains in the mountains. Usually down there the way is works is one of two ways. If you get up in the morning and it raining it usally clears up by noon and the rest of the day is fine. If you do get storms in the afternoon they blow though in less than a hour.

  7. Welp the wife has made part of the decision. She said if she goes for a ride she wants to be able to look around at the scenery on the back she said she can't do that riding her own. So one bike it is. The trailer has been brought down out of storage. Now we went fo a short ride up the road and back on the Z. Her words not mine "this isn't too bad"..lol Still leaning towards the connie but not 100% yet. 

    Another reason for the connie is i might still be headed to the outer banks with my dads family for few days after and the wifey cant go. So that will give me the connie to ride there.


  8. So since Anker said FU on fixing mine I took matters into my own hands. Decided to see removing the idiot proof box that was my issue. Which is all it is. Keeps people from hooking up backwards or shorting it out or overloading it.


    So I bypassed the black(saftey) box on the cable and now it does work.

    I completely disconnected the battery on my wifes bike and started it with nothing but the anker.  And it started pretty easily. Also tried it on the zero turn mower with no problems.

    Now i know ill have to be super careful not to reverse polarity, over load or leave it hooked up too long. But in an emergeny i guss it will work.

    I purposely left the negative cable shorter so they couldn't accidentally  touch each other too.

  9. 22 minutes ago, max power said:

    Why would you give a shit what anyone thinks about you trailering your bike down?   Jesus that shit is stupid.  

    It reminds me of Harley bubbys trying to tell you not to wear a helmet because it will rip your head off in a crash. 

    I really don't. It actually bothers me personally more than what i care what others think..lol. not even sure why I care.

  10. So I guess too many options is better than no options at all but I'm kind of at a standstill. Original plan was for just me to trailer the Z down and ride when I could. Now the wife is going with me even though she is said stick with my original plan she doesn't need to ride she just wants to get out of the house. I would like to take her for a ride. The Z isn't exactly the best option for two upping especially since we've never done it before on the Z. We thought about taking her bike but with Logistics and the weather forecast looking like it does she's not sure she would even want to ride. She's not geared up for wet riding or really seasoned for it either on roads like those. The Connie is a obvious choice for 2 up but she dose not want to ride down on the back, she's not a long haul rider or passenger so she would have to take the car.

    So options are.

    1. Stick to original plan take the Z (small trailer and car)and tell her see ya later when i ride(which she says shes fine with but im not). Maybe try out the Z on a couple 2up rides.

    2.Take the Connie so we can 2 up,  with two different ways it can be done....

    a. Ride it down following her taking the car(which seems like a total waste of gas and just seems retarded)

    b. Trailer the Connie down. (I know I know, there will be so much crow to eat and goes against so many morals ive ever had about this bike) Only ever been on a trailer once in it's life over 5 years ago and that was similar situation. Again one bike is doable with small trailer and car.

    3. Option 3 is borrow a firends bigger trailer and take the Z and my wifes bike. But have to pull it with the truck(instead of the car)which means more gas.  With the the chance she might not even ride hers if we don't get nice weather.


    Now thabks to @NinjaDoc this is the forcast we have to contend with. So this i part of my decision making. 2 different weather web sites. Thabks a lot Doc.



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