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Posts posted by 2talltim

  1. 35 minutes ago, Uncle Punk said:

    We need to add an old mans group to the ride. Donuts and pee breaks at a leisurely pace. 

    Just when I thought this event wasn't for me.  Can we do key bumps of Metamucil and apply Bengay at the pee stops?

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Pauly said:

    Since @2talltim deleted all the pertinent details, anybody care to let us know when this ride begins? There is a first-aid clinic (tourniquet trauma) happening that morning at Genesis Hospital, in Zanesville. I am signed up for that, but it ends at 10:30. 


    Dick! I didn't delete anything. The O.P. did.

  3. On 5/1/2019 at 10:48 AM, redbarron77 said:



    On 5/1/2019 at 11:04 AM, 2talltim said:

    You just made me order this sign for my garage on amazon. 

    Sign came today and got it hung between my garage doors. Should be on the outside but the Mrs. might frown upon it..lol


    • Beer 2
  4. 12 hours ago, B-Mac said:

    I am planning on riding the Z1k one last time before I place it on the market for sale. Unless you are going to ride your ___________bike.

    I would like to split off 377 at 555S to 676 to Marietta and join back on 26. 550 is fun at the start of the turn but gets.............

    you should sell me those lowering foot peg brackets before you sell the bike  :D

  5. 33 minutes ago, max power said:

    Hey Tim, change the name of this thread to event still on without Derrick, or butthurt parade or something   

     I need to get familiar with the new bike by riding embarrassingly slow behind my skreet bike friends so weather permitting I’m going to be there even if I have to ride by myself.

    Changed it, ish.

  6. 2 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Maybe you'd understand if you took an actual sip of the kool aide.

    I'll be here waiting for when you to take that z1000 to the track. :)

    I never say never, but will say, It will probably never happen. The Z is just my slow commute bike. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, Pauly said:

    Track days are cool, but I much prefer spending my time in the mountains looking at the scenery. Nothing wrong with being a track whore, in my opinion. I just don't have enough track bug itch to justify the expense. 



    30 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Long weekend trips in the mountains or weekends at the track. Both end the same. Drinking and having a good time with good people! :lol:

    and Agree!!!

  8. 55 minutes ago, what said:

    if people still want to do it, pick up the reigns. you've got 10 days to plan. 🤷‍♂️

    What's to plan? Pick a meet spot, route and maybe a place to eat after. If 3 bikes show up cool, if 30 bike show up even beter.

    Same goes for the garage parties we talked about over the weekend. Pick a date, take a head count a couple days before, buy the appropriate amount of essentials as per the head count. And if 2 commit cool, if more show awesome. 

    Putting way too much stock in over planning for these things.

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  9. I think im ready to take my moto touring to the next level. For me anyway. I feel I've become the master of the preplanning, over preparing and massive amounts of thought and plotting type of trips. The last few year have been epic in what me, @Danimal, @JustinNck1, @Connie14 and a few other have seen and experienced on the advebture I've planned out. Think I want to start doing more impromptu type trips. The type of trip Dan has been doing where he just points his bike in a direction and goes. Or at least trips where you plan on getting somewhere on the first day then that evening figure out where you want to go on the next day. I'll have to dabble with it this year on some weekend wandering. Then maybe next year take another 2 week trip and head back out west with no real plan in mind other than I'd like to see the Pacific while sitting on my bike.

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  10. Sorry i didn't make it I've attended every other year. This was the first one ive missed. The Dyno thing was a semi disappointment i didnt get all the info i wanted and it was shit show if squids in a parking lot. Lesson learned. Ill pay for professional dyno session next time.

    Don't put so much planning into it. Just pick a date. Take a head count maybe the day before and grab some basic chow. Toss some extra rolls of TP in the shiter and throw some chairs out..DONE! 

  11. I was disappointed as well. But i kinda get it at the same time.


    Still was good to see what the ol Z has going on now.


    131.8 HP and 76.2 torque. Like Shawn said they weren't set up for A/F today but pretty much found out my bike has the stock tune in it still. Those numbers would have been in mid to upper 140s with a tune. So it's a base line.



  12. 6 minutes ago, TimTheAzn said:

    I mean, I am good friends with Justin and KC from independent. I can text one of them to see if I can reserve you the first dyno spot of the morning..... most of the squids that will show up there will probably be still sleeping.

    I've been texting Justin all week. They are doing this all for charity and are selling VIP dyno spots for $50 that move you to the front of the line. It's $10 for a wait in line turn. Yea I'm thinking at 10am there isn't going to be many there yet either. 

  13. I really am torn here. If I do make it I have to leave by 1:30ish, and if I do the Dyno thing I might not make it there till 1ish. That means leaving the house at 8:30a to be at @IndMoto by 10a. Hope to be one of the first ones on the Dyno and be out of there by 10:30ish. Ride home grab the Conine because I'm not slabbing on the Z's pilot powers. Maybe get to the gay driveway gang bang by 1ish then have to bounce by 1:30 absolutely no later than 2p. To make it home to put on my fancy cloths to make it to a wedding in Mount Sterling by 5:30. 

    I almost want to do it all as a challenge :lol: 

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