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Posts posted by coldsoda

  1. Just wanted to throw a quick thanks out there to Trey (IV Rings). My wife and I were very thankful for his knowledge and helpfulness while searching for a new bed. We were not rushed or pressured at all. Great guy to deal with. Oh, and he saved us just about $1,200 on the mattress and box spring alone... Thanks man! We will be recommending him to anyone in the market.
  2. I have had multiple RTR kits from HPI racing in the past, and they are very easy to get running and fun to drive.


    If you are just looking for something to drive around and beat up a bit, the 4x4 monster trucks are great and traxxas stuff is affordable and easy to find parts for.


    Electric is cheaper up front and require no tuning -- but you may want nitro for the speed, fuel, etc after getting into the hobby a bit more.


    what kind of budget are you working with?

  3. Hey nick whats up. I better keep the subaru trend going here.








  4. For sure, I need to do a video with a temp gun, with all this heat and black leather interior, I have never burned the backs of my legs when getting in the car at 3:30pm everyday. I don't put a sunshade in the windshield either, I just make sure to point the rear of the car West when I park. The upgraded film was worth every penny. It's crazy when you touch the outside of the window it's burning hot, but touch the inside film it is no where near as hot on the film. Mike PM me if you want to try and meet me durring the day sometinme to check it out I work at Columbus State, let me know.


    Cool, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the offer, I'll let you know if I want to check it out sometime.

  5. Again I could have paid $219 for the standard tint, however I chose to buy the best grade of tint they had to put on the car. This is why the price was higher.


    The "50%" tint on the front windows of my car reject 49% of solar energy, however the standard tint only rejects 26% of solar energy. All the while staying legal with 54% of light transmittance on the better stuff (even with the windows being tinted from the factory, I fall in the legal range of 50% plus or minus 3 percent) I get twice as much solar rejection with a legal tint. The standard tint has light transmittance of 59% even though called "50%". SO the opinion of everyone who says well your windows are tinted from the factory even with 50% you are illegal, is untrue. The company rounds the number. This hopefully will be keeping my seats cooler in the summer and my leather healthier. It's no different in buying any product with specs and you want a little more performance than the standard equipment. I have never bought this tint before and I wanted to try it out. We will see in the summer if it works. The 35% performs even better on the other windows. I simply chose to read about tint and become an informed buyer, and made a decision, not purely based on looks and price.


    I know I'm bumping an old thread here, but just looking for your feedback Ben on the summer months with the tint you chose. I am looking to have my car re-tinted soon and wanted to know if youve noticed a difference with this higher quality film. Thanks.

  6. I havent heard a lot of rev's going on before taking off among other subaru drivers, although I have heard quite a lot of clutch slipping... I'd agree with the harley riders and their idle problems haha
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