you dont read well. i said osu was easier than florida. how many reasons do you go to the hospital with extreme chest pains and a heart valve defect? its pretty much a heart attack genius. and not many teams go 10 wins every single year, look at texas, usc, oklahoma ect ect. teams will have down years, its going to happen. he didnt bail cause it got to hard he left for health reasons. you do know that you can get better with time off correct? he has been relaxing and taking it easy, but with any competitive person, you will want to get back to what you love to do. compete. but being for that shit hole your from i wouldnt expect much either, cause living there means you pretty much quit on life. maybe he really did have a dream that recruit was playing for himi. he is clearly a very religous person, you cant say weather he did or didnt. you werent there. fickell did what he could with what he had, and like i said, i think they gave 100% of what they had. they came up short, it happens. hopefully fickell stays on as the d cordinator. as a fan you should be excited as hell that one of the top 3 coaches in all of college football will be your teams coach. your short sighted and cant get past your own personal opinion of the situation. if he wins a nc i dont even want to see you post on how awesome meyer is. i want you to keep saying that hes a quiter and a shit box recruiter. i dont ever want to hear you say anything positive no matter how well he does. i will lose all respect for you at that point.