Oh Hal, how you long post of nothingness make me sad. You do relize you are always second best to me. U worked for a billion dollar company years after I did, you always post your arguments after I allow you to, hell, I was the one who got the kitchen back, it was in my name first. I left Cr cause I was boring so after a 6 month hiatus they gave it to you. It's like you are my mut who takes he left overs when I'm done. Yes let's talk about my degree, it's top 5 lowest turnover careers in te world, my minor was in business where I now work for the most known bank in the world. I will be employed by one of the best universities in the country and will probably have a masters before you get a bachelors. Your no Einstein, you a limp thought after sam posts. Your style hasn't changed dude, your a sad piss in the wind. Claim yourself the winner before anyone can say another word. We have been doing this for years, and I admit, you used to get me, bit now your just my sloppy seconds chaser. Enjoy my left overs big guy.