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Everything posted by phil

  1. phil


    At the clippers game. Front row style, plus my car will be down this weekend
  2. Welcome. Most pickerington fags drive hondas , so way to fit the stereo type. And if you had an iPhone like the rest of this civiliZied world photobucket is an app. None the less welcome. Who are these friends of yours btw? What is your actual name?
  3. phil


    Yeah but he was the reason your here. I mean he did fight off the chimps from the beast you call your mother. He didn't even have sex with her, his touch made her pregnant with you. And many others. The point is, Jesus Christ asked for this guys autograph. Honestly, can you get anymore awsemome? I mean yeah you can be the most interesting man alive, but even that old fuck ( who looks like ray in a suit) has phil pick his clothes out.
  4. phil


    True story.... I once heard a rumor he punched mike Tyson into chuck norris's body. You can't make this shit up! He was the reason lebron went miami, the reason tressel has a job, the reason Paul walker can play a retard and make millions and never be Sean Penn. He is so amazing he qoutes himself.
  5. phil


    Who is this phil you speak of? I hear this mythicAl man is a true man. I heard he fucks chicks so well rainbows fly out of their asses. I hear this man of men can sing more sensual sounds then the greatest of great singers. I once heard he fought 3 grizzlie bears while eating a live shark, while operating on siemiese twins. This is one grand man you all worship. This phil...
  6. phil


    Triple cause I'm also holding a spot for the great Paul when he gets back. Can't wait
  7. phil


    Btw I'm still going to butt fuck you this summer in that kraut mobile of yours. Call that out
  8. phil


    Hal could make a crying Childs tears cry. True story
  9. Linn your red dd vs my dd 40 roll for $20. Don't be a pussy!!!
  10. Then spend 20k to make it cool just so you can wreck it and get back 7k from from insurance. Sounds like a solid plan can't wait til this happens.
  11. I'm laughing so hard because they took that so far and tried to keep straight faces. But did anyone else notice the two gay dudes working out really gay with them?
  12. It's a Pontiac thing, you wouldn't understand
  13. Who was the cc through? I work in the fraud dept at chase. You can re dispute the charge from the merchant pov and get ready for a paperwork battle. Pm mentor any additional info
  14. Can I name rape you at best? Angry bird???
  15. Wasn't it you who said roll racing on a bike is fucking retarded? You fucking retard
  16. Trips cause I'd delete not Brian and make Tilley king of cr
  17. I'm going to break Into your home and delete you from Cr from your own CPU then take Tina out for a nice steak dinner and never call her again!
  18. Yeah my lt1 was stock with demitrous and his gf in it. And I didn't know tbss came with such a lopey cam read sig samuel
  19. Thor loaned smiley his horse
  20. I'd delete sam. I'd delete Anthony I'd put kill joy in the newb section only Hal would have his choice of trolls to delete I'd lock the rest of you in the fb page unless you actually race or talk about racing.
  21. I got fitty on J putting bus links on you. But I respect your car cause it's quick as shit. Good luck
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