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Everything posted by phil

  1. phil

    270 record

    Didn't we already have this talk?
  2. It's a girl that knows nothing about cars and minimal work is a must so no thanks but glws
  3. Friend needs a car asap they have 4000 to spend. Somthing that's running and needs lil to no work
  4. If I can get a truck I'd be all over this
  5. Intereseted , And how much would it cost to fix the issues
  6. phil

    goodbye cr...

    Fuck you fagget!!! You and demi both suck, good luck and whatever but now it's just me and Scott to rep the east side now.
  7. he's trying to give you a logical battle and you reply with this....... Perfect haha.
  8. phil

    Sport vs Game

    The hole in your logic is emotion though. And it doesn't matter that the person is sitting watching, they were applying pressure from the first tee. The game isn't a game at the end. But I enjoy the argument either way
  9. phil

    Sport vs Game

    So I agree on most points for you but when I hear the word sport I think of a competition, rather it's defensive or strategic. Golf is a sport to me because your pitting your skill against theirs. Think about it this way if golfer a is ahead by 3 strokes on the last 3 holes, techinically it's putting pressure on you to hit a certain number in theory being a defense because all defense does is provide pressure to throw off the offense's objective.
  10. phil

    Sport vs Game

    Hunting/ fishing?
  11. phil

    Sport vs Game

    So is NASCAr a sport or a game? Golf? Drag racing?
  12. Want a great drink? Go get a bottle of mt dude. A 2 liter of mt dew mix half and half and watch yourself drink the whole bottle. Yes amazing it is. Oh and it hits like a freight train so goodluck
  13. Congrats man that's awesome. You are a little dude though lol.
  14. This is the funniest thing you have ever said on Here
  15. Before I clicked on this thread I knew you would be the op. do us all a favor get off sam and linns nuts. You dont need to have the Around to make you a cooler person. In fact it just makes you their flunky. My bet is the Russian twins fall asleep, sam passes out, and u are the one blowing him. If your with women, why are you posting on Cr ???? Guess whose prolly looking at porn hub tonight?? try not to nut on SAMs sofa while you using your tears as lubrication to beat it.
  16. This! Roofie colada, duct tape, trash can-- success , and you will stay under 50 bucks. Good luck!
  17. You are like the Clint Eastwood of Cr. Old, grumpy, and kind of a biggit. The car looks good, none the less, but would rather have a cts-v. Anyone know the price range on the 300 ?
  18. We spoke early this week and I thought the deal was closed, once my bank tried to contAct him it's was like he fell off the earth.
  19. No, no race car for me. Getting a German pos so i can ride comfortably and slow.
  20. Thanks just making sure I was not jumping the gun
  21. How long do you give a seller to communicate with you? If your selling somthing wouldn't urgency be part of your job? Is two days and two voice mails and three text msgs enough?
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