when did i ever say i wasnt going to race??? please dont read farther than what i type, thats somthing women do. as long as ive known you, you look for bitch ass kids with 600s. you look for suspect kids who dont know shit. i clearly know whats up, i said i was going to walk you. i will walk you, i said its a lose lose, cause WHEN i beat you, its like big deal i beat up on a car, but if by some miracle you pull on me (unlikley) then its like oooooooooohhhhhhhhh phil got beat by shantons car. he cant ride for shit. the fact remains, my bike will hook from a low roll, or a mid roll, but shit gets mad sketchy past 140 on a bike. i woulda done 160 plus in my camaro, did it a shit ton of times, but on a bike it gets crazy. im not jp, im not doing 200mph just for the hell of it. sorry aint going down. how about this, once i pull away like your standing still wich im sure will be before 140 ill let out let you catch up and do it again so you know whats up.