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Everything posted by phil

  1. this.... i am trying to kill the whole " argghhhh i only race at the track excuse" there will be no excuses, if you show up, bitch you better be ready.
  2. After a joking conversation with juiced h22 and anthony, we are currently working on a pure street race event at national trails. It will be no times, no prep, no tree. Every yr a group of us travles to cleveland or cincy, or masslion to get a different scene for racing. Its always on the street and its getting harder and harder. Now we are hoping for one night, to take it to the track and see whose city really has the fastest street cars. more details will come out in the near future, but if you love street racing, then this will be the event of the summer i promise. Hopefully we can intergrate this with Jp's kots to make it that much better.
  3. nvm i can still call you great truck btw, ive used it a good amount and its a beast
  4. nice pick up, she will fit in with the rest of the nirk clan.
  5. whats it like having a small penis with no nut sack? does she keep it in a jar for you to observe? does she hide them? do you have velcro on your taint when you are allowed to attach your balls back? how much easier is "man scaping" without the sack in the way? is it just a loose sack with no nuts? or did she take the sack too? DEETS BRO DEETS
  6. dont tell him that, hes a chode with a vett :dumb:
  7. we will just do it all in one night, just get in run after run after run. by the end of the night i see you being 0-8, and $500 shorter. we take credit cards as well. ( iphone problems)
  8. i really hate you.... like really hate you.
  9. im so glad someone got the refference
  10. so what are you starting from then?:dumb:
  11. i retract my call out to him, ill make more on side bets watching everyone else hand it out. make money watching others race> racing and beating him myself adding miles to my early 90s historic gas saver
  12. my money is his c5 mercs your c6 tt
  13. how is this even fucking possible? if you did all these things, you should know all about his " build" you gotta be thumbing your doo doo boy pussy daily to come up with this shit
  14. how many shirtless dudes does it take to figure out how to put a cia on?
  15. since we are calling people out, i would like to jump in the ring with you as well. i got this lil 4 cyl car that makes way LESS than you and i promise its not a race car. full interior, insurance, tags, street tires, pump gas from speedway, and the awful auto. ill also accept any advantages you would like to pass out. I.E, a few cars, the gas, ect. im open for all handicaps.
  16. looking for a car for the lady. heres the req must be max $3800..... great on gas, runs well, 4 doors, easy maintence, nothing that needs a shit ton of work, and looks decent. think:98 honda civic and up// kia///toyota ect. i would like to buy from a member here but ill look other places as well
  17. tilly and kirk have won this thread. brilliant
  18. text leigh hes got like 10 of them or jp he has a dsm grave yard... i have seen it
  19. fat shit steve is a low life piece of shit and no matter what you say or how hard he sucks your balls he will always be a shady fucking faggot. end of thread/ give it 3 months before hes caught stealing shit from vances. fuck steve, the only reason im even civil to him is because he is friends with my people. did i mention fuck steve?
  20. you gotta be kitten me:gabe:
  21. aint even mad.... and that was 1x that i hit that
  22. ignorance and plain stupidity is 2 highly different avenues... i would love to claim ignorance but i knew what i was doing so therefor it was just a dumbass move.
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