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Everything posted by phil

  1. phil

    WTB $5700

    friend is looking for a car, she has $5700, needs to be auto, decent mil, good gas mpg, and no major issues.
  2. The niners. all day, that offense is too good for the ravens D I'm sorry. tv ravens are built to blitz pocket qbs , and the niners D Will swallow flacco .
  3. 4 wheels is more controlable than 2. its simple logic ( which you dont seem to grasp) balance/ saftey/ delivery. i dont even know why i try, anyhting that makes normal sense, you make harder.
  4. he doesnt have a heap, hes got a vett. i sir, i own a head. my car is the feces dropping from ugly cars. the only thing "nice" about my car is the secksy 80s porn red interior. other than that, total dog shit
  5. single digits in a car is fast 8s and lower on a bike is fast everything else is kids play
  6. :dumb: again, you have no idea because you have never done it. i gave it a shot, i got my happy ass thrown from a bike quicker than an excuse comes out of your mouth. yes, bikes are faster stock for stock, but there is nothing in the world like doing work on a bike. i can do 130mph in a car and not flinch, 120 mph on a bike will change your life. ive been 180 in a car, shits crazy, 130mph on a bike feels like your chest is coming through your back. 9s in a car is impressive im not saying its not, but if you hit something with the right equitpment you have a high chance of walking away with a few bruises ( ive seen it). idgaf what you are wearing when you wreck on a bike, that shit hurts like hell and the %s of you making it are slim. you dont know what you are looking at whe you watch bikes race so i wouldnt expect you to know the amount of shit that goes on.
  7. fast bikes are 100x harder to control/ race than cars. if you havent tried drag racing a bike yourself then you wouldnt understand, i have, it wasnt for me, im impressed as fuck by the skill those guys have.
  8. i figured id bump this and say ITOLDYOUSOBITCH:dumb::dumb::dumb:
  9. or dont put nws in a section where its not a NWS approved. we all get it, you are a virgin, and all you do is look up pics of what woman look like. i aint mad, maybe one day you will get laid, and youll leave the internet softporn alone.
  10. classic, chase has been tortured by me so many times its unreal. ive beat him up, axe bombed his car multiple times) we lit his leg on fire while he was in the bathroom, ive elbow dropped his taco bell (hard shells) ect ect
  11. phil

    Fill's Story

  12. Why you think I went auto?
  13. How else will Alex be fast? lol jk yes we are going to push for that to be ok but you have to realize that its still a 1/4 long. now if you start at before the water box and take off before the beems a then go for it. there will be some supras. and Casey. so we need to try and accommodate the non drivers
  14. if its anything like our conversation today, i see that place doing big things again.
  15. you know what you didnt do??? LOCK IN A RACE WITH ME AND THE AMAZING 4 CYL FOR $50
  16. jack is THE ghey.. i love that store, and its not suprising that chase shocked himself, here is the better question, who is taller steve or chase?:dumb:
  17. yeah bring him too that car is so nasty
  18. i always do do:fuckyeah:
  19. still more exspensive than my car :masturboy:
  20. really? ive had a few trips up there and we do just fine, minus those buscher cars (which are just nasty, just simply nasty) we havent gotten to the tech details but im hoping we can do somthing very similar to the DSM Shootout, i.e, helmet, long sleeves, and everything looks good. now we will be putting in a "quick 8", that may require a lil more tech since you are admitting your car is "quick". but again the details will be realeased as soon as they are finalized.
  21. are you fucking serious? wow, i mean id be scared too if i was piecing together a pile of half ass ebay knock off junk too. you sir have to be the largest piece of scared pussy ive ever met. you are going to get a stiff dick in your doo-doo boy pussy from people who are WAY faster than i, but you dont wanna run a 4 cyle FWD car? wow, just wow
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