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Everything posted by phil

  1. http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd135/pwoodland/968DAB80-84FC-42A4-A0FE-144654859996-4286-000003525F1BFD30.jpg
  2. Kill yourself slowly... The liberals will party on the behalf of your death. One less biget to steal our air
  4. Your creativity is astonishing to say the least. I should hire you for original marketing posters.
  5. http://i664.photobucket.com/albums/vv5/sizeNstrength/obama_meme_001.jpg
  6. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l232/fatawesome/obama_settledown.jpg
  7. Conservative jimmies have been rustled http://i690.photobucket.com/albums/vv262/p_mcclellan/Fark/You%20Mad/U_MAD_obama.jpg
  8. I've seen a lot of things street racing... I've never seen this happen though, nor have I ever actually seen you race. Ever. You always have an excuse of why you cant get To the track, or the street cant hold your power level. Funny I've seen 9,8,7 second cars on the street that do just fine. Hell I've seen old man ray run on the street. What do I know though, you have the fastest cars on cr... Or even the world.
  9. 4 years and you guys haven't come up with something more innovative than "no bama"..... That shirts gonna go over real well when he is re elected for another 4 years. Keep hope alive, maybe it won't be as bad of a land slide this time.
  10. What the random moment of the thread ? ^^^^^
  11. The end of that was Absolutley hilarious. Turbo kits for my Kia sephia haha
  12. Maybe not on that old ass 1g u got but it works fine
  13. http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb52/BarnesStormers/8d21fd52.jpg http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k56/Jeannie1723/GoBama.jpg http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q137/maddoxsmith10/Picture005.jpg
  14. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p295/redassag/Roll_Tide.jpg
  15. Mostly coming from the people who do not race. Except for Matt who is the worlds greatest racer.....
  16. Idk what your problem is but bama is still the best team in the country. Now with my Michigan ties I can only hope we crush their title hopes this weekend, but I doubt it. Either way, roll tide
  17. I wanted roosters but it wasn't open during that time. Next time though, it will happen
  18. http://i1162.photobucket.com/albums/q523/TeemoSteakDoA/mother-of-god.png Still good don't care
  19. Hmmm someone's supra vs a seven fitty was recovered from sat... https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/cfs-ak-ash3/v/608451/924/441641305886622_36032.mp4?oh=96ec3bb6dcd37e6b0d77ad7cf31caf69&oe=503B6B4F&__gda__=1346071996_bab4345b0ec832a7dfb8a67275a8a732
  20. phil

    Hookah Smokers !

    Hookah is a nice relaxing and non illegal activity. Now it's got the same Principal as a bong but there's no comparisson to the real thing ...
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