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Everything posted by fizzer

  1. Those f*^kers are hot! My buddy ended up not wanting to split the pepper outright, but he did eat ~1/4 of it. No puking involved, just a lot of sweating, flush faces, some abdominal discomfort, and a spicy bung indeed. Possibly the worst part was the post-consumption belching that continued to remind me of the heat/pain throughout the next hour. Overall, the Moruga has a delicious flavor which is very different from most of the less hot peppers, and compared to other Super-hots, has a very fast, up front burn. Most of the heat was gone at 10 mins. post consumption, whereas in my experience the ghost pepper has a nearly half hour long slow burn. Between the two of us, 2/3 of a gallon of milk is gone. I probably wont be eating one outright again, but will definitely be using them in cooking/ making next years hot sauces. Thanks again Shadow!
  2. He'd deflect the blade with his 'bows of steel. =not serious, no need to get panties all bunched.
  3. Which was then subsequently beat by the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T, and now the Trinidad Moruga. Try and keep up:D
  4. Thanks to Brandon (dying shadow) for the Butch T and the Morugas! You have to prepare for the worst with these bastards: Got a guy at work who'll eat anything for $5 to agree to split one with me tomorrow, i'll try to get pics/video of the insanity:devil::devil:
  5. fizzer

    Beer Pics

    Oh I forgot I have had the regular stone IPA and that is damn good. And I posted a pic of the Bell's Two-hearted but didn't mention that it is my go-to if they have it on tap. Thanks for the suggestions, and they're definitely the best type, everything else had turned me off to beer for the past 5-10 years. Also, this is the worst beer I've had since getting into it,tastes like bitter pisswater(but when in NOLA, I had to give something local a try):
  6. fizzer

    Beer Pics

    I've only recently started to find beers that I really like, it all started with trying this guy(I'm usually a whiskey fan but trying to find things I can drink more reasonably out in restaurants without going broke) Then at world of beer the bartender let me try a few different things on tap and I really liked the Fathead IPA, so I've begun trying various IPAs and here is what I've had thus far at home: I'm a huge fan of the Hop Crisis, Dogfish 60min, Founder's Red's rye, Four C's American PA So-so on the great divide Rumble Not really a fan of the great divide titan or the souther tier 2xIPA or the founder's centennial. Also have had the dogfish 90min IPA , but was unimpressed with the Great lakes Burning River. So my question is, with this background, what do you guys suggest I try next? I've got a few ideas from this thread but would like to continue to expand my sampling. Preferably staying within hoppy beers for now, and avoiding anything remotely close to Guinness (tried it on tap in the factory in Dublin and cannot stand the stuff). Thanks
  7. Stressed plants usually produce the hottest chiles!
  8. Hell yea, thanks guys! If you need any ghosts I grew some this year, let me know. Currently extracting capsaicin from some because why not?
  9. pretty cool blog, huh? I smell some from the OP, either that or could be a misspelling of his own url?
  10. Mmmmmm Ghosts, that's quite a change from the hungarian wax you were expecting! They are great to cook with though, amazing flavor. Shadow- Haven't gotten to try a trinidad scorpion yet, do you have a hook-up?
  11. http://www.research.net/s/pmagsforlife
  12. stood it up, let off brakes, stared right at the vette, what the f$#k could go wrong? proof that you go where you look.
  13. Thought this was pretty cool, especially if they can actually get the production costs low enough to sell them for around $20. Could have huge impacts on poorer regions of the world in commerce and daily life. http://news.yahoo.com/cardboard-bicycle-change-world-says-israeli-inventor-090732689.html
  14. Fuck Cancer. But good luck to your wife as she battles her way through this. Early detection is the best way to beat this, so she's already got the upper hand!
  15. Hoping to put this up on a projector at work, hopefully it still happens today. Looks like earliest launch could be ~1:30 here, with ascent taking somewhere between 2-3 hours. Jump around 3:30-4:30? Godspeed Felix!
  16. Good ride over today, sorry we missed you guys over at the restaurant. Have to get out sometime and ride with you other than just the yearly "dream" ride, keep it shiny side up!

  17. That was some funny shit. Nice meeting all of the new folks I hadn't before, had an awesome time on the ride and then a hell of a lot of fun running up through athens and around hocking on the way home.
  18. the Dream ride meet up looks like it has ben pushed back to 12:30, kickstands up by 1:30. So meeting for breakfast at 9 is prettttty early. anyone want to meet up at say 10:30?, leave by 11:30 to make the meet-up at 12:30. Sound good?
  19. Terrible news, may his friends and family find some peace as they deal with this tragedy. :rip:
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