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Everything posted by fizzer

  1. Good chatting with you John, see you next weekend at the ride. It's awesome the kind of connections you can make through OR!
  2. http://www.thewilds.org/meet_our_animals/mammals/dhole/default.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhole basically a wild dog, but pretty cool looking
  3. I'll take 2 as well. Another pm incoming for you!
  4. glass or plastic 5gal carboys? how much?
  5. has anyone who got one been able to successfully swap the clip from one end to the other? On mine I can't find the right allen wrench to fit, it looks actually as if when the bolts were installed from the factory they overtorqued them as the corners were rounded off before I even tried to get a wrench in. Also, I have one allen wrench which will fit a few of the holes on the six smaller bolts, but it wont fit all of them? Seems like shitty bolts to me. Going to try and see if kershaw will take it back and replace the bolts/switch the clip for me, sucks for a brand new knife.
  6. I'm most likely still in for breakfast, will know for sure the week of the event.
  7. Yeah mine wasn't trackable until halfway through today, and it came this afternoon. Postal service sucks ass at tracking.
  8. ^ what he said, received mine today and very happy with it. Very solid and sharp.
  9. fizzer


    288, and facebook is trolling this concept hard right now: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=287552014684887&set=a.183967161710040.33403.183964188377004&type=1&theater
  10. Congratulations! I've been considering the ARC for next year as well, has anyone on here done it?
  11. Good dealing with you Todd, thanks.
  12. Love my PR2's, got 10k out of my PR1s and the 2's look like they'll be going as far or farther. Best tire I've ever run.
  13. Give us your address, I'm sure with everyone helping we can subscribe you to some free mags
  14. hahaha that's way more awesome than just finding it online!
  15. disgusting, but sadly also :repost: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=86294
  16. Nice find! Ordered one as I've never had a kershaw knife but have heard good things about the quality/durability. Thanks!
  17. Never heard of it, do they make a damn good breakfast?
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