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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. HOW did that bike catch on fire?
  2. Whoah. and the anchor's name is "evan AXELBANG?"
  3. No helmet. No endorsement. But his bike's name is Lindsey Lohan! LOL, a CBR-250r.
  4. Shipping the wife off to Alaska for two weeks on Saturday, but her flight doesn't leave until early afternoon, so I won't be able to make it
  5. It's not my day off, but I AM leaving early to go pick up my new bike
  6. Lots of people want a bill of sale. That way if I use the bike in a bank robbery and then dump it, he has a piece of paper to fall back on saying it's not his bike anymore. Shrug. I did point out that he'd have the cash in his hand, but w/e, I'm happy to "do it right." As for having the title notarized, I think that both parties are supposed to be present... the notary is basically signing that the bike is passing from one person to another... Not sure how that could happen if he has it notarized before even coming to see me I'm hoping it doesn't rain when he gets here, around 3 Or that he doesn't cancel at all. Or that he doesn't change his mind, or that the bike doesn't fall over in the trailer, etc etc. A million and one things to go wrong, of course.
  7. LOL, upvoted, or +repped, or whatever it's called here.
  8. Okay, it's been two years, bitches. I got tired of waiting for you guys, so I'm gonna have to get another bike and start this thread back up m'self!
  9. I noticed the gold rush rally on my way in to work last week. Now THAT was a lot of nice cars. I drive in past the rock hall/science center/first energy stadium, and they were all lined up. had to be at least 20+ million dollars worth of cars there.
  10. wouldn't a dealership also charge a fee? I doubt I could just ride in and have one done by a random salesperson out of the kindness of their heart. We're meeting at about 3, so I hope my bank has a notary on-hand. That's usually either free or $2. It'd make the seller more comfortable. I have a friend who rides who's a notary, so he can always hook me up later if need be.
  11. wooo, people DO get what they deserve, hahahahha.
  12. It's required (around here at least) that the neighborhood has signs that say "automated traffic enforcement." And even before the speed cameras, there ARE signs up. People just miss them.
  13. Sweet. I should be meeting him at 3, so hopefully, it won't rain tomorrow and I can check out the bike and go straight to the title burea & BMV. I need to do some hunting on oPlates.com and find a good vanity plate. My last one was "04 CAT" but I guess I can't cross a Thundercat with a Ninja Ooh, and I should probably come up with a decent bill of sale today, since the seller said it would make him more comfortable.
  14. Thank God. Someone has to get us off this planet before we kill it or ourselves.
  15. Hopefully, I'll be getting a new (to me) bike tomorrow, but it's currently titled in PA. Anything I need to know about getting it moved over to Ohio, or just business as usual?
  16. For the sideways mounting, or not having it lit?
  17. it's been proven that the number of accidents goes way up after red light or speed cameras are installed.... Because drivers tend to slam on their brakes at the first sign of yellow, which makes the person behind then rear-end them, of course.
  18. Not sure I want to click on that at work
  19. LOL, they caught him when he ran out of gas, hahahaha
  20. They have a variety of times, but they're usually pretty far booked up in advance. The sooner you go, the less chance there is you'll drop your bike
  21. everything I've seen in this thread also happens to be available here: http://www.dudeiwantthat.com/ Next time you're bored at work, check it out
  22. Him shooting burglars who left and returned has nothing to do with the 911 dispatcher making a mistake The city is obviously making a big deal about how it did not delay dispatch of emergency services.
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