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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Hit that VFR really hard with a Harley. Last time I saw that happen, the VFR whizzed by me REALLY fast a few minutes later
  2. LOL You guys are talking about bad hours, and I'm browsing this forum while sitting at a McDonald's 2 hours from home, at 2:30 Am. Actually, I could've left by now, but I'm into my upper-tier of overtime so I might as well stay while the manager puts in the past 2 weeks worth of totals, now that I fixed their computer
  3. Welcome aboard! I learned on a Blast... Was a great bike to start on for me
  4. what are you looking for? bahama Breeze is right off 271, and is great for cocktails & a party atmosphere. The B-Spot, as mentioned, is high class burgers. I think the "thing" is that every item on the menu starts with B. Hence, burgers. high class but not hoity-toighty. Paladar is excellent, and is south american/latin food. my GF... Er... Fiancee is German & eats there with her international friends. Recommends the Sangria. The Melting pot is FANTASTIC. it's all fondue & dipping, including breads & veggies for appetizers, meats in broth for entrees, and of course dessert. It's VERY pricey though, so be warned. Also, call ahead for reservations. The cheesecake factory in legacy village (that's also where the melting pot is) is delicious, but a chain. I think there's "fire" in eton collection, too, which is in chagrin right off 271. All depends what kind of grub you're looking to score
  5. I WAS in the Navy, so i can always count a Med cruise. Nowadays, I'm a field tech for a point-of-sale install & service company, so I drive, on average, 3,000 miles a month. I can post my mileage log to prove it
  6. Yep! Haha, the first thing I did when I got home from selling the bike (after posting on here) was browse craigslist for a new bike I proposed tonight (she said yes, haha!). It's only a matter of time until I own another bike.... Kristina fully supports this & all my hobbies... she'd NEVER ask me to give up anything I love. I hear all sorts of stories about bitches & hoes, and all I can say is that a lot of guys are dating the wrong kind of girl... because Kristina is awesome LOL she's in the other room on the phone with her friend spreading the good news... We're between episodes of Revolution and How I met your mother... Yep, after dinner & the proposal, a nice quiet night of leftovers, TV, and sex. Life is good. And even better because I don't have to worry about storing a bike for the winter! I live in a condo & don't have a garage, so it'd be awkward anyway. Who knows, if things go well, I might even buy a bike 1st thing in the spring.
  7. Owned it for 1 year and 2 weeks! I sold my 2004 YZF-600R. It had 19K miles and I got 3K for it. I was asking 3500, but since it's so late in the season, I figured beggars can't be choosers, and I still made profit. I was pretty torn about keeping vs selling, since I know it's a solid bike with plenty of power I could continue to grow into. A YZF-600R is comfortable, reliable, and has a plenty big community, but I just bought an engagement ring for my GF, I don't make as much money as I did when I bought the bike, etc etc. I'll definitely buy another bike (I've already been on craigslist browsing, LOL) but I don't know what it'll be. Honestly, it might be smaller. I really don't need as much power as a 600cc sportbike (or sport touring bike) can make, and it's way more fun to ride the piss outta something than to get halfway through second gear before you have to start braking So, all in all, I've been riding 2 years... A different bike for each year. Started on a 500cc Buell Blast for 1 year, then had a 600cc YZF-600R for the second year. Personally, I think both were great for what I used them for. The blast was a fantastic bike to start on, and the YZF-600 was great to see a little more middle-range of what riding is all about. I sold each of them for more than I paid for them (Although I about broke even on money with the YZF, since I bought some new tires & if you count taxes paid on purchase price). Buying a bike, riding it for a year, and then selling it for profit is a good way to gain experience on different types of bikes, although there IS something to be said for familiarity. I was looking into trading it for something smaller + cash, since my GF has expressed interest in learning to ride, but nothing came through and I was pretty lazy about advertising... A craigslist ad, bumped once a week. Someone had the cash and was ready, so I jumped at the opportunity. I'm sad I missed the big yearly ride, but the time was right to sell... And now to find my next bike! p.s... I'm sure I'll hang around the forums just as much, although it wasn't as much this year as last year.
  8. Do you work for/at Limited brands? I used to test their cash register software when I worked at Micros-Retail
  9. Josh1234

    iPhone 5

    Ranked #202 in ohio
  10. Glad you made it! Heya Nivin - I've been busy lately... Going to propose to the GF soon, and she was all set to take the MSF course this past weekend until she sprained her ankle and had to cancel. I'm thinking about selling/trading my YZF-600 for something smaller... Yeah, trading down. that way i can get some cash to help with the ring purchase, + I can have SOMEthing to keep riding while I use it to teach her OTOH, it won't break my heart to keep it... I know it'll be a solid, reliable, capable bike that won't let me down for a long time to come. Nor will I outgrow it, since I still have a lot of riding skills that need to be developed.
  11. Josh1234

    iPhone 5

    LOL @ "turn over to mute." If only GF's came with the same options as the Galaxy S III! They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel to make the list look longer.
  12. I had/have a first-gen ATV I got used... the kind with the 40 gig HD. I hacked it or whatever to load another media center app alongside the software already on there that let me connect to my home network and browse my other computers for media files. It also played other codecs. I loved it and had no problems with it... I eventually migrated away from the ATV because I ended up hooking up an old laptop up to my TV and using that instead. Still have the Apple TV and loved the ease of use and simplicity.
  13. If it were an XL I'd jump on it... I don't even ride when it's hot out because I only have a leather jacket. Oh well, props for being willing to give it away!
  14. The logic board is probably toast, but your info is likely still available on the hard drive. Also, even with water damage, it's still worth several hundred on eBay.
  15. Too bad they're in Columbus... I used to be the guy that tested the POS software for Limited Too when I worked for Micros-Retail.
  16. I'll buy one and paypal you if you agree to hold it until next time I'm in Columbus... I pass through there every so often for work. Even if you're not around when I need to pass through, maybe you could leave it on the porch or something for me to pick up? I need a bike cover! This is assuming you're OK holding it until I'm there next, and also assuming it'll fit a YZF-600 halfway decently.
  17. Well I've been corrected about Pit Bulls vs Bull Terriers; I was mixing them up in my head trying to troll on Pit Bulls The Pit Bull instinct, however, is to not let go, under any circumstances, once they've bitten down on something in anger/defense/aggression/etc.
  18. You get some people that say they're different breeds, and you get others that say there's a lot of overlap, and it's all grey area, and they're all descended from common bulldog stock. I've met a lot of really nice pitbulls for that matter. All of them that I've met have a great temperament, but I wouldn't want to be around when instinct kicks in, that's all. Instinct > behavior. It's the old case of reality vs stereotypes and how much they're based on fact.
  19. Must they be mutually exclusive? Why can't we thank both? Just because military volunteered doesn't mean we don't owe them thanks. And just because someone chose to volunteer at home fighting fires & criminals doesn't mean it's safe. The normal idiot citizen is indebted to both groups.
  20. I never once called the military a "job." It's far, far more than a job in a way that a civilian will never fully understand and "appreciate." It's a LIFESTYLE. We were all willing to write a blank check for up-to (and including) our lives, if necessary. RVTPilot did a great job of explaining how it's different from a plain-old job working in a Ford plant. People with a normal job choose where they work, where they go when done, what they wear, how they look, etc. Those in the military get a lot less choice, Magley, about almost everything. Giving up freedom(s) to protect that of others is justification in itself to thank a vet. That's something completely different from, oh, you know, let's not forget "laying your life on the line" as well.
  21. Many communities (city, county, etc) have separate/different laws about pit bulls. Before anyone considers adopting this pet, be sure to check into them.... They range from no special laws, to "Must ALWAYS be on leash, including dog parks," to "Must be muzzled when outside the home."
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