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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Can't seem to find it on any craigslists... maybe it sold already?
  2. What year is it? the biggest strike I'd have against that is that those Bandit's with the fairing up top look like they have a huge overbite The 2nd biggest strike against it is that it's red. I know, I know, call me shallow I'd be willing to look at a couple more pictures though. Is this a bike you own, or a friends? Ninja 300's can rarely be had for $2300, unfortunately, or I'd snap one up. Even a red one If I could find a nice GS500 that's not too old, I'd ride it. Especially a nice blue & white GS500F. But a streetfighter would be okay, too.... I come across a lot of older ones, or ones with salvage titles. This bike has a lot of what I'm looking for (resale value, fully faired, blue, cheap, great condition, newer & low miles), and only 2 "minuses:" a little less power than most bikes, and that I'll look a little funny riding it I could live with those for a year until I flip it for profit. Unfortunately, I can't go look at it for a least a week, due to RL and the wife. Dammit!
  3. Forgot to mention: I've ridden 2x 250's briefly... once when I was looking at trading down my yzf-600 for a 250 + cash, and once when I was at a buddy's and his son rode my YZF600 and I rode his 250. Each time gave the same impression, which was that it was like a scooter... Plenty of power to get me around, just clearly not a bigger displacement sportbike. Much less intimidating, like it seemed more "carefree." Had 1 on the highway, and i even think It did okay at highway speeds.
  4. Yep, I'm 6'2 and ~220 pounds. I've been without a bike for 2 years and have 3 seasons riding time, before that. Two seasons on a Buell Blast 500, and one on a Yamaha YZF-600. (I think. I remember storing the Blast for a winter one year). I never completed the MSF course I actually made the classroom portion, but missed the day on the bike, which is of course the important one. So I'm pretty much self-taught. Anyway, I'm a firm believer that any bike I buy at this point will NOT be my last bike. I'm actually interested in gaining experience on as many different bikes as possible. A Ninja 250 is sort of the most basic starting point for sport bikes, as most will agree. It makes about the same horsepower as my Buell Blast did, within 4 hp. And to be honest, the Blast always got me around just fine. It was /NOT/ underpowered... It was like riding a scooter, which was a lot of fun. I won't be doing any track days, and I won't be doing any racing. I don't need to go fast. And yes, I know I'll look like a monkey humping a football, with such a big guy on a small bike. But I look at it this way: I'm feeling the itch to ride again, and this will get me a bike for dirt cheap. Under 2500. And honestly, I think I'll be able to re-sell it for just as much as I paid for it, if not MORE (yes, that's possible). I'm pretty good at writing a decent craigslist ad, and I like flipping bikes for profit after riding them. It's a newer body style, has under 5,000 miles, and is in great shape. If I ride it for the rest of this year, it'd very likely sell for 3K in the spring. Also, when it comes to looking for a nicer bike... I don't want to spend a lot of money on a bike until I'm sure I will ride often/consistently. Because I have SOME experience with a larger bike, it's not like owning a 250 will "turn me off" of riding if I think it doesn't have enough power. It's just a cheap way to get back on the road. I'm sure it'll feel like a dog compared to my YZF-600, but I've heard it's more fun to ride a slow bike fast than to ride a fast bike slow. And I'd honestly like to be able to practice and develop some basic skills on a less intimidating bike. It's safe to say that I have a healthy respect for the power and danger of motorcycles as well as the fun & freedom they offer Anyway, that's where I'm at. Thoughts?
  5. I'm not man enough to own that vehicle
  6. And holy cow, I need to update my sig... The girl & the dog are still the same, but the car & Buell Blast have got to go! The battlemech obsession has been replaced by Magic: The Gathering, too, hahaha.
  7. Hey Pauly, Brian, and Nivin I sold the YZF-600 when I bought an engagement ring & proposed to my (now) wife. I don't think I NEEDED to, but for some reason, it seemed like the right thing to do. I didn't have a garage to store it in for the winter, and my job at the time had moved me from salary to hourly, so I was making less. I ended up getting more than I paid for it, which was nice... especially since I sold it in October of 2012, pretty late in the season. I sold it to a woman who lost her driver's license but said she still had a motorcycle license. thread: http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/96371-welp-sold-the-bike-today/ Anyway, I started a new job about 2 months ago, after 2.5 years of making less, and I've been bitten by the bug again, big time (Pauly, you might actually know my boss, since he rides a Ducati and I think he met you at least once... Darin F.). One of the founders of our company actually owns & rides a Diavel. I was a little scared of the YZF-600, actually, because it was plenty fast enough to kill me and I'll admit I have a LOT to learn about riding, but I still remember how great it felt to ride. I wish I still had it, since it was pretty much the perfect bike for me.... comfortable, big gas tank, more than powerful enough to scoot me out of harm's way. I don't need to be the fastest guy on two wheels, I just need enough oomph to get out of a car's way if need be. When I sold it, I was a field technician, so I traveled for work, but I had to bring so many tools with me I couldn't really ride. Now, I work in an office in downtown Cleveland every day, so I'd love to commute on a bike... another way to put that is this: Sitting in front a computer screen for 9 hours a day is boring as hell but pays decently, so I'd love to have SOME excitement in my life.... like riding to/from work I'm not sure if I want to get a super-cheap bike just to have something to ride that I can sell for what I paid for it (after I make sure i'm really going to ride) or if I want to spend a little more and get something decent... Or if I just want to buy a new bike. I'll probably look for something either super-cheap or a few years old & used but still decent. My wife talked me into waiting for my 90-day review, so I have 2-3 weeks to shop around. I'm spending LOTS of time browsing craigslist for bikes, though, which lets me know I've got that itch again, hardcore. And hey, so far, I've owned two bikes & sold them both for profit, so I'd love to wait for a good deal, snag it, and gain some more experience. Sorry to de-rail the thread! And now, back on topic
  8. Dammit, this is next week and I STILL have no bike
  9. Mind if I ask how negotiable the $4,500 is?
  10. walmart. $30 Bring on the lectures
  11. I've put on weight since the two of you have seen me last... I haven't shrunk though, and I do recall him being shorter than me I have a blue helmet & jacket, & I refuse ride unless my gear matches the bike. Hahaha, is that wrong & shallow of me?
  12. If I end up getting a new bike & riding again I might need some new gear Alllll up in the air still. free bump.
  13. Nice of her to point out where Ohio is on the map
  14. Large firms are represented by big time legal counsel (which often have offices in major cities). It's probably legit, and they're also right... If you're making money off their name... they're entitled to it. I suggest you take down the sticker before they take every penny that you every made from their trademarked name.
  15. Josh1234

    iPhone 5

    Put your music into iTunes. make a playlist in iTunes called "Shit i want on my phone." Plug in your phone. Click it in the list of devices on the left. Click the "Music" subheader. Click the checkbox for manually manage playlists. This will un-select "sync all music." Then choose to sync only the playlist called "Shit I want on my phone."
  16. I find it interesting that the accident happened 5 years ago... This dude has been waiting for this court case to finalize for a looooong time.
  17. This thread is funny. Your reasoning for not deserving a ticket is that you didn't know the speed limit. Uh... that doesn't mean you're allowed to go as fast as you THINK the speed limit should be And then you're all like, "Well my driving record isn't bad!" I just have, y'know, this one lil thing on it, and then that other lil thing on it... yeah.... that's called a bad driving record, dude. Oh, and then you're like... Oh, beeteedubs, my insurance card is expired! Last time that happened to me, I just had to send the cops a copy of my proof of insurance, not go to court. Sounds like you need to man up, pay your ticket, and try a little harder to pay attention to the speed limit signs & when your insurance card/policy expires. Also, on small two lane roads... Don't pass cops at 40 mph. Slow down a smidge. Oh, you were going 40 mph and didn't slow down at ALL to go around the cop? I'd give you a ticket, too. Or were you REALLY going 60 and you DID slow down... to 40?
  18. This is a link to the infinite jukebox: http://labs.echonest.com/Uploader/index.html?trid=TRORQWV13762CDDF4C That is all, carry on... and enjoy the music (read the FAQ at the bottom, it explains the circle & the arcs & colors). Should help you guys kill some time at work... Just listen to one song! Edit: As mentioned, it works best in Chrome and Safari.
  19. You can always drag-rearrange your tabs so that the two you plan to use are at the end, and then ctrl-tab to swap, and shift-ctrl-tab to swap back...
  20. Are you kidding me? The WHOLE REASON to use chrome is that if you type something into the address bar and hit enter... it google searches it for you :)
  21. Love it! was faster than firefox when i first switched, since FF took a while to open, was slow, etc. I use Ad Blocker as an extension, and also I've got my bookmarks sync'd between several computers by "logging in" to Chrome. Works well (make sure you back up your bookmarks before syncing to another computer, just in case it overwrites the 2nd's with the first. Or vice versa.) Ctrl-Shift-N for the win. y'know, for, um, privacy
  22. Looks like it came off something that was painted black & yellow. Case closed, glad I could help
  23. Want! Guilty pleasure...
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