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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Here are the bikes from the side, but you can only notice "the thing" from the first picture. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. LOL i noticed that, but it's actually on the building behind his bike.
  3. Yes I'm missing a windshield bolt; that's not it
  4. Parked next to my boss the day, snapped a quick pic on the way up to the office. Notice anything funny? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I paid $1,450 for my 2003 Ninja 500 in near-mint condition. Just under 9,000 miles It's not the nice blue color I would've first-picked, but it's a nice neutral dark blue/gray. All in all, I'm pretty happy with it...
  6. I wonder if he would've lived had he been wearing a helmet & gear.
  7. That's how I wrecked my second Stealth Following someone who swerved away late, revealing stopped traffic.
  8. Mike bike didn't get stolen yesterday after I left the key in it all day while at work for 8 hours!
  9. Lots of other uses for a private pole that runs ceiling to floor, also
  10. True or false: Legalizing drugs would lead to more addicts. True or false: Being addicted to drugs is a BAD THING. Truthfully, I don't care if people use drugs or not, but I WOULD be afraid that if drugs were legalized, drug-related crime would soar through the roof. Junkies would be mugging people left and right to support their habit And plenty of innocent people would lose even more family members to drugs than they do now On a societal level, drugs don't do anything for us. They add nothing. And there are lots of drawbacks and reasons why they are a negative impact on society. The only real difference in our arguments is that I'm putting the emphasis on society as a whole and you're putting the emphasis on the drugs themselves and personal choice.
  11. LOL that video is AWESOME Must've been a blast to film
  12. this would be a good deal if I didin't already have a bike, now... http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/4549788088.html But THIS asshole wants too much for his POS bike: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/4549900062.html
  13. So you're saying that if the choice were up to you, crack cocaine would be legal to sell/make/use? Same with Heroin & other "hard" drugs?
  14. I'd "profile" any moron who's walking down the MIDDLE of the street. I watched the video, and I have to side with the cops on this one. He flat out explained that the woman needed to show ID or be arrested. The woman then chose to ignore that and try and focus on "oh, but you're not being respectful." And the cop was CLEARLY trying to pull her skirt DOWN. Let's hear it for sensitivity training! I'd've arrested her for not showing her ID (if that's really the law, like he explained) but I'd prosecute for assaulting a cop.
  15. now I'm tempted to try some of their stuff. I don't ride heavily (so far) so I can expect an extended lifespan as compared to someone who rides a lot, and cheap is what I'm looking for.... Well, inexpensive, anyway.
  16. Need any CAT-5 cable!? (j/k... free bump!)
  17. It's you first bike, not last Anyone who gives you shit either isn't a rider, or an asshole. Any TRUE rider will not care WHAT you ride, only that you DO Welcome aboard!
  18. I'm not sure whether or not to feel bad for him or to Bwahahahaha at him.
  19. Need any Cat-5 cable in trade?
  20. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I thought it was the responsibility of each driver/rider to ensure they leave a safe stopping distance.... Is that not a rule in effect, or does it not matter because it was a stopped vehicle? Technically, the riders rear ended the car, right?
  22. Just line the room with bulletproof backpacks and clipboards.
  23. i'll take a better one tonight if I remember
  24. Zoom-in of the one on my phone. I'll take a better one tonight if needed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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