My primary interest in high school was automobiles. I was in college prep but the guys in the auto mechanics tech program would bring their cars to me to tune (this was in the early seventies when emissions controls were new & absolutely ruined the performance of cars.) Everyone was always saying, "Why don't you become a mechanical engineer since you love cars so much?" My reason was I didn't want to ruin my passion by making it my job. I knew that VERY FEW jobs are really something enjoyable, but are a means to an end. I decided I wanted to do something that would allow me to make enough money to enjoy my hobby (cars, then later motorcycles) and still be a job that I at least wouldn't hate to do the rest of my life. You will find out that there is NO job that ends up being what you think it is and no matter what, you'll have good and bad days. So, what did I decide to become? An optometrist! In no way related to cars/bikes but a career wih good hours, good working conditions and good pay. I've been successfully self employed for 30 years, raised a family, and played with a number of cool bikes & cars over the past 30+ years.