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Everything posted by beezer

  1. Something tells me it won't be Brent's first time.
  2. spam. blam. thank you ma'm. So should have registered for the Do Not Call List
  3. I thought that was why women ate yogurt!
  4. Screwed, blewed and now tatooed.
  5. yeah, let's give him five years in the slammer for bad attitude.
  6. I understand kucinich orders his with extra olives. Says the plain ones are the pitts.
  7. Saw your comment about liking the Guzzi. I think you would enjoy one. It is a versatile machine that one ups the BWM because it just doesn't need service beyond what you can do yourself, it looks better and it is unique. I was lucky to grab it new when the market tanked for $9200. Haven't regretted it for a minute.

  8. Welcome and you are right about the roads down there. Great place to ride. I could zoom up and down to the river forever.
  9. Everyone knows you use fertilizer and fuel oil with a van.
  10. We should pass a law that they have to drive stick shifts.
  11. "Clermont County Sheriff A.J. "Tim" Rodenberg said the ruling could lead to longer lines of people at the courthouse to fight their tickets," The sheriff has it right. If everyone would plead not guilty and go to trial, like I do, the system would be brought to its knees in a few days. Nice image huh, the judge, cops and prosecutors on their knees?
  12. Boston Heights finally has some competition.
  13. just offering up alternate excuses as to why this left wing nut threatened to kill someone and raising the question that perhaps Al Gore's hysterical rhetoric incited the guy.
  14. Hepco Becker Top Case, Trax Side Cases and All Moto Guzzi
  15. beezer

    Rosso Moto Guzzi Stelvio

    Some pictures from the Dragon and when I first got it set up for the trip.
  16. He was a vietnam vet, maybe his pTS had a comeback? Or maybe his momma didn't love him enough? Or may be Al Gore made him do it to save the planet?
  17. http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=A0S00M2czzRN6jAAjif7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrYXNma3Q1BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZANWMTE4?p=fuller+abc&fr=sfp&ei=utf-8&n=21&tnr=20 This discussion started with a comment about whether Laughner was politically motivated. Well clearly this guy is.
  18. Someone has to be the exception that proves the rule.
  19. Normally when I get pulled over, I don't say much because I always intend to take my tickets to court and I don't want to inadvertantly provide them something to use against me in court. However the one time I was pulled over for flashing my lights, I did put forward the argument that when I did that, all the other drivers who were speeding subsequently slowed down and wasn't that the point? I don't know if he planned on ticketing me or not, but he never did.
  20. The more guns in the hand's of sane, law abiding citizens, the safer I feel.
  21. Here's an idea. Let's say the nut job's love notes found in his safe said that Rush Limbaugh told him that these democrats had to go and targeted Gabby as the leader of the left wing commies trying to take over the country. And Palin came to him in a dream and said she would draw and quarter him like an Alaskan elk if he didn't go to try and kill Gabby and take as many others as he could with her. And he had logs detailing how he wouldn't leave the house when Rush was on. I say while that might be introduced as irrefuteable evidence that Laughner was nuts, it wouldn't make Rush or Palin any more responsible then the are now.
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